Fuckin annoying

It's so unbelievable hard for me to get a flat in Germany. :(
I'm searching for almost 3 months now, still no results, except a lot of refusals. I'll probably live under a bridge in the future. :(

But at least I have a job interview for as an IT-Specialist / Programmer, a ray of hope. :)
Where do u want to live?
It isnt that hard oO
Osnabrück, it is since I earn no own money and receive "Jugendhilfe",also I'm 19 and the max. rent comes to 300 warm. :( I almost had a good one, but they said they wanted a "girl", when I walked along the house, I saw a fat boy. :(
Bring ein Fläschchen Wodka mit und du hast die Wohnung
are you 19, unemployed and single?

edit: cause that translates as "you won't pay the rent, you will celebrate loud parties and you won't clean anything"
you are interested in him? :D
Sorry, I am not single. You can have him.
do not want :(
You didn't even date me, believe me, it's worth it. :D
I am 19, visiting the VHS in Germany, and living in a registred partnership.
you should try to get in some sort of Wohngemeinschaft, otherwise it will be more or less impossible
I don't like living communities, I'm living in one at the moment, after 2 years you get annoyed of it, you have no possibility to retreat. Not recommandable. ;)
Edit: You're a retarded fuckface. I hate you, I'd like to smack your face.
Why does everyone associate "Jugendhilfe" with antisocial teenagers who give a fuck about their life? My parents are dead, so I had no other chance than living in a assisted living community..
I'm sorry about your parents. Also I didn't give you my opinion, it's just what people think and why you won't find a flat that easy.
weeZy on 05/02/09, 13:13:37
go for porno star
germany sux anywya
dikke nazi :x
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