headsett question !

mornings crossfire!

so im going to buy new headset today. Any experienced of following ones?

Logitech wireless

classical 5hv2

so, would your recommend? or have you any experience with wirelesses before, do they work nicely ingame?

i would prefer that logitech, since its wireless. 8)

(btw, i'd pay for logitech 65 euros and 5hv2 for 42e)

cheeeeeeeeers !
between those two? it's definitely the 5h

but you'd get much better performance from a 40€ pair of headphones and 5-10€ clip on mic
I've used 5h version 1 and I must say I would never again buy headphones from steelseries. In fact I guess I won't be buying any gaming headphones too ; ) They're just worse.

As for the wireless, I've heard that quality always sucks, and also they are heavier and you've got to charge it so I wouldn't go for it ;)

So it would be rather hard decision to choose between those two :D

prolly what fredd said

e: what a guy with a nick at crossfire fredd said :D
I have had just one wireless headset years ago and it sucked big time, dunno if they have imporved since then :p

Anyway, after testing out basically everything there is available, I've decided not to buy anything else but sennheisers. All others are just crap compared to them :s

Ofc, if u want hifi headphones etc it's just another story (I got stax for that) but sennheisers aren't bad for that either (got hd600 myself)
Stax :o
Do want!
ordered from japan, so it was just half the price it would've been in finland, but I had to pay 300e at customs :X

but they are pretty nice :)
They better be, if HD600 is your second headphone :P
I have a discontinued beyerdynamic headphone, DT831. Some may argue it's too bright sounding, but I just LOVE the crispness and tightness they offer :) Lots of air
And, it also makes them awesome for gaming :P
I use hd595 for gaming atm and hd600 on my other PC (for movies and stuff like that) and can't complain about them either :)
Beyerdynamics might have a bit brighter sounding but overally sennheisers are pretty steady. I have tried some beyerdynamics, but prolly not the ones u mentioned. I guess the biggest difference is that yours are closed headphones, whereas my sennheisers are open :)
Omg, you have a lot of awesome headphones :P
@closedness yeah, but they don't have that ugly box-sound you'll find in average closed cans.. <3 them
Buy 5h omg! :) [fin]blaaaah, saanks alet jos tuun ostaa sen logitechin gamepadin ens viikol?[/fin] :D
logitech is shit :D
5hv2 i like :P
i got the 5hv2, its a nice headset. but you wont get it for 42e o0 mine was 110€ or so. (USB version)
i will get it with 42 euros. :D believe me mate.
Nice buying it on the black market!, but if i were you i would go for the 5vh2, ( maybe even USB) because it got awesome sound then ^^
domi, its not black market! 8) dunno if its called in norway as "lefdal" , that store. but anyways, same corporation ^. im working in there. :D so ill get the real white edition with usb , 42 euros.

well i was considering for trying wireless, cuz i can always return it.. cuz it would be so easy in my home.. id like to see how they work ingame, and if they would not work, then return and get steelsounds :b
omgawd :o thats like 50% of the normal price o0
yes, imo its kinda naissssss. 8) you know the store called lefdal? o_O :o
nope :D ;{ Link pl0x! :D

Edit: im going home now, so i wont reply before 15:30
im going till work now, so i wont reply before 18:30

btw, i bought both of those headsets. :DDDD

since i can return in in 30 days if i dont like it!
Steelseries Siberia all the way
wouldn't go a for a wireless headset for gaming.
i'd take the 5hv2, Siberia or some decent Sennheiser one.
I have the Steelseries 4H, which use exactly the same drivers as the 5H. So if you go for Steelseries then save your cash and get the 4H ;)
well, i can spend 42 euros to headset. :D
Sennheiser HDR120 <3
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