I'm sick so very much!

Sick and have to go to fucking school + today fucking german test just great, and I can bearly breath. god damn I should be dead to skip school just for one shit day
hangover at work, my last day! had a party yesterday and drunk to much beer for a thursday blah. I should be dead to skip last day at work lolz
ha-ha-ha im bored at school.

Edit: oh god im getting sick :{
waiting for my package to arrive + work @ 4
having a great day here tbh
not a great day...was sick wensday and gettin better yesterday. Now I am gettin worse again :<
Lemon and honey in boiled water! that should cure you!
:D Never tried that before!
:o then try it, its nice and helps a lot!
i just fucked up my skool, np
you fucking whine too much, there are even worse things than this.
stop moaning you bloody woman. unless youve spent 3 weeks in hospital hardly breathing, eating and drinking... so much to the fact that you had to live off ice cubes alone for a whole 3 days, you shouldnt moan. oky bibuy
Chill your beans !
It must be awesome to be able to say "stop whining" and actually have some weight behind it!
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