New Wolfenstein Preview @ IGN

For people interested in the new Wolfenstein game, I suggest you read this:

A new article from IGN, previewing parts of the game. Not much new is revealed, though they go a bit more into detail with what we do know. Nothing on the multiplayer, and nothing about the release date. :(
Blazkowicz can run, shoot with his weapon's iron sights
"Upgrading your weapons is actually a pretty big part of this game, and the developers say that they didn't want you feeling like you had invested all of this time into a gun just to have to drop it from something new. These weapons -- which you'll be able to upgrade using the gold, intel and other treasure you find -- will be customizable to the way you want to play. So, if you want to snipe all day long, you'll be buying scores and suppressors. If you just want to run and gun, max out the clip size and such. "

Wonder if this will be in MP in form of COD style kit/class selection thing.

But yeah we need some real MP information.
Reading that I bet its gonna be awesome SP game!
lol Combat Arms copycat :D
lol System Shock & Deus Ex copycat :D
lol WOW copycat :D
thats the new player,not an enemy :/
That only appeared in RtCW1 Singleplayer and therfor i put all my hopes in that it will be the same with the new Wolfenstein Game. All those future and unrealistic crap into the Singleplayer Game please. WWII action into the Multiplayer, thanks!
shoot with his weapon's iron sights.....

if we get that in the mp i'm not gonna even play the game. how gay is that.
what is a iron sight?
It will probably just be a long distance aid, unless the gameplay is gonna be a lot slower.
Lets just hope they don't go with Ironsights. It works in CoD etc, but it doesnt in Wolfenstein.
QuoteUpgrading your weapons is actually a pretty big part of this game, and the developers say that they didn't want you feeling like you had invested all of this time into a gun just to have to drop it from something new. These weapons -- which you'll be able to upgrade using the gold, intel and other treasure you find -- will be customizable to the way you want to play. So, if you want to snipe all day long, you'll be buying scores and suppressors. If you just want to run and gun, max out the clip size and such.

what the hell?
rtcw2 is dead
that sounds like a fucking mmorpg to me
just useless copying from another games like cod.
ye, but not even cod was using this upgrade shizzle
i think they took it from combat arms or smth.
I am 90% sure i wont play that gme, fail like etqw
plz dont break the age long tradition of hyping, getting your hopes up to end with a classical niggarcock in ass when they releases the beta. Next you get wolfenstein shoutcasters and wolfenstein managers, who got nothing to gain by rtcw2 being a huge hit, claiming the game is awesome. You'll force yourself to play the beta again, sticking to a hairthin shread of hope that the fullgame will be totally epic and awesometastic, unlike the beta which wont have a netcode and will be more balanced then Mamut vs Mazz.



ps: nice hirntot skills but next time gtfo, thats my server. I dont want skillers stealing my awards. why dont you go fp or todeszone :'(
nice sarcasm
rtcw sucked too with the zombieshit...but the multiplayer ET owned

just wait for the mp ...they can still leave out the futureshit
that was 10 years ago and I doubt anything else than q3 engine can be good :-/
lets hope :s
They have said that there will be supernatural powers and weapons in the mp.
rtcw sucked too with the zombieshit

no, it was epic. scared the shit out of me in the crypta somehow xD
crossfire should make a post to the developers to express the communities will or smth like that
I'm sure they will change everything they done in past few years cause of some random people on some silly site.
they should have asked before

we are the biggest ET community
"we are the biggest ET community"

no :D we are randoms on a silly site xD
its the same
They not making ET though...
the randoms on some silly site are the community behind the game... but nvm
lots of RTCW players on behalf of several communities have already written loads of e-mails (with very detailed information about what should be in and what not; what is good and what not) so we will see if they have listened to the community...

I just hope the movement + aiming is like in RTCW/ET but it looks much more COD to me, + probaby iron sight =fail
lol, what a shit : \
iSense a massive fail incoming
[img|left][/img] this is nice

[img|left][/img] lol wut? :/
nice that guy has no eyes

+wtf this WAX graphics
because thats what all the cool kid developers use...

image: img4
texas chainsaw massacre :D
Quotehese weapons -- which you'll be able to upgrade using the gold, intel and other treasure you find -- will be customizable to the way you want to play.

pls not in multiplayer :/

would be like xpsave shit
thats CoD4 and 5 style... other scopes silencers etc... what a shit
ye would make the teams more uneven because the more skilled teams get them faster and the nubteam has no chance anymore
imo the whole longrange aim... infight movement etc gets lost

ever saw an infight longer than 0.5sec in CoD?
At least Wolfenstein will appeal to the CS:S, COD and Starcraft players. Shame about the RTCW guys.
I fucking hope this game is not a epic fail.....
Dont be so sceptic guys, achievements and unlocks is a + to games popularity, more public players = bigger game. In a competetive setting it all can be changed anyway.
Imo it will be something like ETQW unlocks, just hope the VARS to control this stuff will be included in the gold release, instead of a mod half a year later.
Yeah or failing that an SDK at release.
why mix et and QW? :/
It looks like COD to me, too much if you ask me. Just looking at those pics tell me its with iron sight, old weapons like garand where u shoot 1 bullet at a time (and those shitty mp40's like in COD). I just can't see the same movement & aiming like in ET/RTCW in this game, i just don't see it.

Don't get me wrong, it will be fun playing the missions like in COD, but that's it probably.
Need more First Person ss :(
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