Deal or No Deal!

"foo" has bought some new uber card and is gonna post me his old top of the range 7800 GTX which still delivers decent fps @ games like COD4. The card originally cost ~£500 and he would like 2 joints worth of weed (about £1), lol I'm not that stingy I will send him a bit more. Deal or no deal!?

*yes its cleaned and works perfect
Well does it work? :D
Bought it 3 years ago >:(
no deal
send me the card, i'll send you 3 joints!
deal ofc
(sell it on ebay or so)
No deal, smoke that shit instead
"The card originally cost ~£500"

not even £50 ...
read it again
no deal :O
i would recommend you 2 just buy yourself a new one thats worth 50€ and is maybe better then the 7800
I was expecting Noel Edmonds...

image: Noel_Edmonds_356418a
I was expecting Guido Cantz...

image: Deal_or_no_deal_9_376_177_-_Sat1
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