friiday nightt

I almost totally mastered the rubik's cube , im studying the last stap..
I can allready perform it with some note but I want to do it without :DD:D:D
what ya doing?
tomorrow spacceerrr in cityy
bibuy peace niggas
playing 3v3 arena @ wow and we suck :/
rubiks cubeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Lol at rubiks cube :/
just back from soccer traning =)
and atm drinking a proteinshake and i will go and sleep soon
I had soccer training last night and my match for tomorrow is canceled so I will visit Highschool of Amsterdam to see if I like Sports marketing :)
sleep well alex have nice dreams ZzzZZzzZzzZzZzzz
image: 110lrwx
yo dawg i heard you like clothes,sunbaths and wank on your pics, so we put a clothes,sunbaths and wank on your pics in your clothes,sunbaths and wank on your pics so you can be gay while you be gay
lol someone should make a motivational
i have overboost in buddys and you dont

[e] i drank redbull and feelin xtc style
went to view a house for next year then drove home from scarbados!
played some combat arms. owned as usual.
got fantastic (5 kills in a row really fast) with the standard pistol, np4me.
yes, it made me very happy :) shame that it doesnt have a /record function yet :(
it was like totally fragmovie shit you know?
ah you got it man! :DD
Ive bin to Highschool of Amsterdam today =))
Gonna study there to get my bachelor of commerce :)
total pownage
First i drunk smth (a mixery) with my best friend, than we played poker with many other friends ( for me) than we went to him and relax. Now i sit here before my PC, relax, listen music and drink my last beer (mixery <3).
waiting for Norway ins to return from work, then grab a couple of beers with m8s

in the meanwhile ill play some quakelive:o
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