800 dpi to 400

I got a image: 2279919190_db2bc96972 And its operated and it still hurts :< NOW THE BIG QUESTION:

Is it possible to change the dpi from 800 to 400? My razer drivers give me the option to choose 1600 and 800. Is there a program to do the trick?
razer to logitech
setpoint ftw
mm setpoint sucks
cantn use 400dpi with diamondback 3g m8 i used to have the same mouse and its impossible , you could do what abort says but still that would be worse than keeping the 800dpi.
get a bandaid
setpoint ftw

400 dpi pwnage rly :)
well,with older razer drivers it worked...dunno
i had the same shit, u need to put some brown thingy in it and it helps
some sorta medicine :D
no not possible with ingrown nails
install linux lol
then pm me for the terminal cmd !
Had the same thing with my toe, it hurt for over a week after the operation!
jezus, tell me about it :/
i had the same thing and i let it be on for like 6months.. everytime i walked somewhere it started bleeding and it was fuckin unbelievably hurting :D
couldnt be arsed to see a doctor until walking was practically impossible :D
antimedikalisaatio, ei ni ei.. sormi mustana slambaa vaa olkapäät irti :D
i've had it twice on both of my big toes ended up having both my nails removed :< hurts when something gets dropped on them :'(

And i've had the same problem with razer drivers. XP and Vista diamondback drivers are different :< but i got use to it. not that much neg accel compared to 1600
4th notch @ windows pointer speed (multiplier = 0.5), would not use it myself though =P
just play with 800
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