officially was the hotest day EVER on record in melbourne.

just a lazy 46.4dc

it's not all fun and games, massive bush fires are ravaging the state. 14people confirmed dead and they believe it could rise to 40. it's all smokey around my area.

already cos of the heatwave we had last week (3 days above 43 in a row) 2 people from my work died. indirectly from the heat.

i'm jealous of all you with your cold weather tbh. this is beyond hot. there was a north wind (which means a hot wind) and it felt like it was 30degrees by itself.

to hot to swim. -_-

image: 0,,6476357,00
Go firefighter instead of whining :I
omg its 0.3°C here :DDD:
good luck mate
Hope youll die too.
Current: Mostly Cloudy
Wind: NW at 6 mph
Humidity: 41%
our "cool" change is coming threw, it's only 22dc now!!

it's COLD. need a jumper.

gonna need the dona tonight :S
awfull hot weather > awfull cold weather
awfull hot weather + pc = overheat, housefire, death
awfull cold weather + pc = epic win
kind of agree but:
awfull cold waeather+pc+tea/hot choclate=epic win
That kind of different things always show me how stuck I am in my way of thinking about things - I know that in summer I will want to have at least one day with a weather like today, but still now I want summer!:D

A bit sad news though anyway.
when it's cold you want hot weather.

when it's hot you want cold weather.

yep, as simple as that :D

but well, first few days of new season are always nice :D
Nostradamus was right
u can move to my place, np
IsraelmASSiON is on his way!
How can it be too hot to swim oO? If it would be 43° I would stay in a swimming pool the whole day.
yeah i jump in then get out.

it was just to hot to be outside.
oh that sucks
here is preety cold,but the sun is up,so its a beautiful day
run, Forest, ruuuuuuuuun
it's -15°C here

...and my dad's out grilling fish :D the 40cm snow :)
good picture idd;
Nice picture but you dont have airco?
we have an aircon.

but i was mainly at work all day.

i think it is better to be in autralia with 35 degrees in summer then in holland when it s 25 degrees in summer, the heath is very moist over here.
but 45 degrees is way 2 much :p GL
its like 5°C here, the hottest day in like 1-2 months and im happy because all the fucking snow is gone now :D
omg your so fucking lucky
u should be happy whiner
dunno how hot it got here today, stayed my arse inside with the aircon + jug of ice and booz
around 2°C in good old south-west germany
i was there last new year and it was 34c all fucking night :/
alright for some, try living in the uk :<
isnt there a blizzard there?

we still get the most snow/blizzards.. TRY LIVING HERE
atm theres shit loads of snow yeh, and im goin skiing next week ^__^ and then new york the week after, gonna be sick of the sight of snow :D
niiiice i use to live in new york.. i live in connecticut now

have fun in new york :D its real nice over there (some places xD)
atleast ull get a nice tan
Hottest I remember when in AU was being 44dc but that was back in 1999 or something?
What's Vic like at the mo? I did read about the fires all around SE area
about 50 dead. fires still going
Think I'll make some calls over there later o/
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