Xfire on entensity?

Okay, so I'm busy doing my daily browse of entensity and then I come along this.

Entensity thumbnail

I have no idea who requested this. Nor why he chose to request this screen if there are many more funneh jokes. Nontheless, xfire is famous!

For those that don't know entensity, it's a site which is updated several times a week with funneh clips and pictures. Resembling dumpert and the like.
I guess that if somebody made it once, now all funny situations will get to those sites (it's not a first one today, FlyingDJ made a journal today that it's here http://www.lachschon.de/slide/81199-hotelangestellter/ as well

crossfire will take over the world!

new 4chan incoming

I can already see this meez' topics on 4chan not to post crossfire pics there (:DDD)
I blocked myself, because as of recently even boards like /a/, /g/, /jp/ have turned to shit. Even /tv/ and /mu/ are heading down that path.
ye, I get it that you blocked it by yourself ;)

but I still don't know what boards you mean, only guessing :D
it was all shit & overloadedwithcancer since long time ago, so grats you realised it only now.
"overloaded with cancer" .....................................




LOL CANCER SO RANDUM XDDDDDDD!!! XDDDDDD. I don't think I've ever heard that word uttered anywhere except on the board that was never worth visiting in the first place. Enjoy your shit boards.
Your comment is totally irrelevant, since I'm not another jap-and/or-animefan and no fan of imageboards at all. Though I visited it back then when people like you stayed away or didn't know yet.
I knew about it way before I even knew what anime was, I just lurked /tv/, /mu/ and occasionally /g/.

Using the term cancer gives away exactly why you were there, and it's people like you that in masses can shit up entire boards.

I want to discuss things with like-minded people where ideas and content are more important than reputation, not "EPIC LULZ RAID CP XDDDDDDDDDDDdddddddddd"
LOOOL, I knew what 'anime' back then I was a kid and had no internet access. And most people actually did as well. Well too bad, you first found 4chan and then anime, which is just sad. Yes, using term "cancer" tells a HUGE lot about my personality, great prejudgements here, I admire your intelligence.
Explain to me one thing. What is cancer in the sense of the term you just used, because I always hear morans from /b/ using it but I never really understood the full reason why? What is cancer? Is it unfunny posts or some other retarded /b/ shit?

edit to respond to edits: I may have phrased myself terribly. I knew of the medium of course, I didn't know about the good shit like LoGH, Cowboy Bebop, Planetes, etc.
cancer is anything that converts normal into shit, now apply it for 4chan or /b/ and here is the original idea.
You are such a meez-copycat, i'm just lolling.

what can i say bro, bitches dig me.
What he's certainly missing is Seychelles flag.
You're a fucking genius, I hope you know that.
Greets Captain Obvious. How's life?
well lets face it: cant get a better free promotion then that. you should make those screens with a cf emblem in the lower corner like "as seen on failblog.org" so people know where to go and yes we wont only attract ET and CoD gamers with that but certainly new users and since its a 'gaming community' its not restricted to ET and CoD. but this way people will start to get to know ET and see that there are many people still having fun playing an old game and might want to check it out summa sumarum more players in ET/CoD -> greater community -> more money being pumped into it. meaning we might profit at the cost of a bit more spam around here :DD and lets face it theres already so much spam some more wouldnt hurt us at all.
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