ban mother russia ffs

the guy doesnt have the perception of maps to avoid shooting walls WITH ENEMIES BEHIND THE FUCKIN CROSSHAIR
i did spec him for few mins and ye he is obvious :)
and who the fucking fuck is sevra from hungary?
Distant relative?
i guess those are fake flags,because theres no floppje in Romania
LoLz, I'm so busted. :-(
i'l consider it.. but first tel me your skill. if your high i will do it, med.. then you need to work
say what? :D
i played yesterday a war against him and he is so obvious X:D

everytime preshot and got no walls X:D

nice guy
preeshoter ban
who is that? any other names of him?
Ofcourse not!
nobrain + obvious wher

he should buy first proper net then using that stuffs.
jes he is obvious -.-

we should get a win infront of that game , but i guess cb admin's dont care about it..
i smell noob(s)
u should get banned for duplicate journals.
this guy didn't hack he's just too shit for that, i even wasted my precious time to look all 3 maps and it was total waste of time, guy just sux, u can get from everyones demos the same situations he had.
3 maps lol 3 maps lol 3 maps lol 3 maps lol 3 maps lol 3 maps lol 3 maps lol 3 maps lol
Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me Russiahate me
Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz Estonia euruz
Russia hate me Estonia euruz
nP, if u want so
cheaters always defend cheaters ?
just spec him(I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT U DID)
wasted my time on nothing, and this guys is total shit, wow he aimed 2-3 times through wall on the opponents head, so what, take a look at random players demo with shownormals and u find many things, u can't avoid watching walls, can u?
about "cheaters always defend cheaters ?" u must be a retard if u read out of my comments that i protect him since i aint, the guy is total moron and doesn't know anything about playing, he is just running around the map shooting.
he aims + does perfect tracking + shoots(sometimes), (through the walls at far distance)

i dunno why u are trying to minimize consistent evidence, at least this type since the guy a total nobrain and makes it obvious

btw u r the retard( "this guy didn't hack he's just too shit for that" )everyone already said that the guy is a fuckin moron(in terms of brain gaming) even though that does not implicate that he is an obvious cheater, i mean u were the only one who didnt see it and i wonder why
now i smell wise guy. Its too hard for them to lose again, they have a redcarpet on clanbase 8D
not rly
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