et going bananas

okay I have been having many problems with my ET in the past three months.

I am recently getting kicked for Corrupted Packet Flow.

But also if I connect to a server, it successfully loads, but then it like has to connect again, then like it does it like five times. Then usually I get kicked for pnkbstrB heartbeats.

I have tried reinstalling already.

I love putting bananas into my ass
It's a lovely place :(
It´s a dark but warm place...
maybe its because of all your rifle cfgs and your arti tips
I'm loading about 2 times.
humm.. /:
its a disallowed cvar in your cfg that does that turn on cvar backups then join a server and check the cvar backup to find out what cvar is doing it
i will supply you with some useless information:
i got over 50.000 viruses and trojans detected on my computer yesterday :D (after one month no antivirus)

My sister got over 100 in one scan XD

holy crap

i just have router intern firewall and avg^^
both making their job so no probs with virusses etc..
what sites are you browsing?
but it was in my G15 software. mostly gay trojans to gain my WOW information (which i dont even play :P).
but they all got deleted :) and now kaspersky tells me its safe again <3
kaspersky is good
gief punkbuster a pacemakerrrr
i had the same problem. reinstalling et and updating pb didnt solve the problem :( after i had shut down every single application, the pb kicks became less and less
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