Sennheiser vs. Steelseries

Since that my Logitech Digital Precision isn't really working 100% anymore.. I am interesting buying a new headset.

I've tried to search some reviews of Sennheiser and Steelseries, but I can't really see the real big difference.

So, what's your opionon about one of them?
Both has big ear "things" ..

sennheiser supposedly last longer
I have my pc160 for 3 years now and they work perfectly though they look horrible
Can you change the shape of the microphone or is it solid?
how do you mean?
Well the shape of the microphone, can you bend it like putting the microphone more towards your mouth..
yes you can, and i had your old headset its the shittest headset ever! I have a Sennheiser 161 now really nice headset you'll notice the difference!
Speedlink medusa
got sennheiser and i'm happy with it.
its not like sennheiser only has 1 model of headphones. if you were to compare brands, i'd go with sennheiser.
i have my sennheiser pv 150 for now 4 years an it still works fine... never had any probs with it.. so definatly sennheiser
Hij heeft perfoheisers idioot
creative fatality
i had a 4H and now i have a PC151

PC151 OWNS the shit over the 4H(owns in sound quality, in resistance of material, comfort is discussable) BUT its was expensive by 10€ (my opinion is that was worth)
Sennheiser PC350 <3
5Hs are built awfully, get Sennheisers.
mine are doing great :/
Got them for free since the woman at the register forgot to tag it :D
Went through two pairs, both failed with exactly the same problem.

Got a pair of Philips headphones, best headphones I've ever owned. :D
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