New TV

Hey guys,

I need a new TV, requierements:

- flat and big
- 100hz
- good contrast
- max 1000 euro

Any suggestion TV you or yours friends have? What are the good brands, the brands to avoid, etc?

Thanks :)
Switzerland needed you today :(
I only had my laptop with a small laser mouse. I'll play next time I guess
Dont take LG. Mine broke after 1 month.
my LG monitor is teh pwn!
samsung LE series
20 years and you can buy urself for 1000 a flat screen tv?

Country: Switzerland CH
I see what you did there...
some people are already working and earning money in this age
isnt 1000 a bit much...but k if he just saved his money all the time to buy a new tv ...
some ppl waste there money on weed n stuff others dont :D
i dunno, samsung seems always a decent brand to me, but im not rly into tv's :D
i've got this one
its a good product for a decent price
maybe you can get the 40" or 42" if you want

this one
is now for a long time the flagship of samsung
TV sux :D
buy sony bravia or panasonic
Toshiba REGZA 42 RV 555 D ~ 820€
Samsung LE-46A553P ~ 950€

best 42" & 46" for that price in my opinion.
Thank you all, I'll go for a samsung LE serie :)
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