Need new headphones

My old headphones fell victim to yesterdays NC match against Austria.

So far Siberia from SteelSeries seems like a decent choice for me.

Any suggestinon or experience with headpones welcomed.

P.S.: The price should be 50-100 euro.
Siberia Steelseries
sennheiser hd 465. no mic tho
HD555 sennheiser
sennhesier pc151 works fine for me, i can hear everybody :D
Can you hear what I'm saying now? :]
U said:

Fkin landoger cheater die!
siberia !!
4H imo. It has the same drivers as the 5H and Siberia just with less novelty/gimmicky foldy unclippable bits etc :/

Used to <3 SpeedLink Medusas but 2 sets have now broken on me in quick succession :<
true, i had the medusa 5.1 progamer, my headband broke on the articulation.. you should be carefull with them :)
i really like the razer piranha, altough if you have a good soundcard and enough money i'd buy a 5.1 headphone, that to gether with a nice soundcard (for example X-Fi xtreme audio) and setup the virtual 5.1 it will even support ET and you will hear more.. thats my experience :o

so i'd say:

ps. these are headsets i've experienced.. can't say more
Quotei'd buy a 5.1 headphone,

image: b69xsk0gleytv7ize
Gaming headsets are shit.
"5.1" headphones are shit.

Just look up some decent cans on head-fi (eg, Grado SR60, Sennheiser HD555) and buy a cheap clip on mic (eg, Zalman ZM-MIC1)

if you don't give a shit about quality and have money to blow, then by all means get some siberias or pc1xx series sennheisers.

When you ask these questions on crossfire, the only responses you will get are people telling you to buy the same headphones they have, but most people on crossfire don't know shit and just bought whatever flavour of the month headset was the most popular at the time.

as i said.. these are just my experiences..
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