etpro client+server = 1pc

hello.. i just made following bat:

"F:\Spiele\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ETDED.exe" +set dedicated 3 +set net_ip +set net_port 27960 +set fs_game etpro +exec server.cfg

this runs an etpro server on my pc (also see it threw hlsw) .. but when connecting threw ET i get awaiting connection.. like the server isn´t online.

whats wrong? and how to fix that? :P

thx bb

p.s. i´m bored at school so i wanna trickjump a bit :P
et +set fs_game etpro
/devmap mytrickjumpmap

= win
what has /devmap to do with me can´t connect on the server?
/devmap allows you to use /nofatigue, not sure if /map does.
Just start your normal ET client, open console and type /map <insertmapnamehere>

ex: /map supply
u normally cant run any server with new etpro + patch? i get integrity error?
normally you cant, but i can because im special
Spiele iz gay. cant help me u beasty but GL! : D
Find out your lan IP with ipconfig in a cmd window. That is the address you need to connect to.
work but i get insta kick for "server disconnect for unknown reson" :X
imo the port 27960 is closed that's why
on localhost ports dont matter?
throw / threw / thrown =! through
2 journals online xD
get life
stop throwing things through your hlsw might help
why set_dedicated 3? [1=lan 2=Inet 0=listen]

If you want to connect through Inet IP maybe wrong. You only have to use net_ip command if you want to connect through Inet and you are sure the wrong IP is reported to the master server. (Usually happens with NAT through router) said so.. also tried 2 already
hmm then try to leave net_ip alone and make sure the port is open. If you just want to play on your own host use the listen server, no need to be dedicated.

But seriously, there is no set_dedicated 3.
so dedicated 2
on localhost port shouldn´t matter?

and connecting on lan ip and not localhost?
Yes but 1=lan and 2 =inet, my mistake :( edited. Port shouldn´t matter right...
i can connect nwo but get instant kick for "server disconnected for unknown reson"

what now? :(

@edit: also map changes ly fast

i connect and its battery

and 2nd reconnect its goldrush :x
Mapchange should be config thing. Disconnect maybe pb, try to disable it...
works fine, had to connect with my LAN IP, as topher said (I tried without net_ip and net_port and dedicated 1)
can connect now.. but i get insa kick for server disconnect for unknown reason :x
what the console says about that?
no :o .. how to update them? :x
@edit: which consoel do u mean? server console writes stuff fucking fats.. cant rly read anything
I forgot pbsetup updates these files, find (in the server console) something like:
PunkBuster Server: New Connection (slot #5) [?]

and paste what appears after that

or just paste everything... :P
cant... there are tons of these errors:

Hitch warning: 1100 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 1000 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 1000 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 2200 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 1400 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 1200 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 1100 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 1100 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 1000 msec frame time

and the console is full of them.. so the text u want is already out of console before i even minimized ET :x

also the maps + campaign change fucking fast.. maybe smth with timescale or similiar wrong?
/sv_cheats 1
/devmap mapname

check what i wrote above.. i can run but wehn i connect i get kicked for unknown reason.. and this hitch warning comes in the server consolel ike 20times a second.. also maps are done in 30secs.. like the server would have timescale 50
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