Never been happier before

Ok guys, it's official. BLINK 182 IS BACK :D I really really have never been happier before man :p this is really crazy shit

image: band_message

damn man, I'll lose so many money when they come touring in Europe :p I'm gonna visit really really all their shows :D wtf, I can't get enough of this! check it out !
Not bad if you're 15.
I'm 19 and these guys are fucking great!
ok then its bad if ur 19 and act like 15
so he acts like someone 21% younger... not so bad if he would be 21% younger in his 60
ah Blink182 are cool! was at there last show in point! You know why they had to add the 182 at the end? cause of some irish techno band that were already called blink ha!
If that's your best experience so far..

Well... nevermind..
waarom altijd die haat ?
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Good news
Teen-emo-punk-band = sh1t.
awesome :)
made my life
skaterke gtfo

still dont like'em
They were "ok" til dude ranch, everything after that uhm....
yeah their music (with) till dude ranch is fucking rad, everything after that is still rad but yeah they changed to more poppy music but It's still sick nice :D
Well, they've always been one of the more poppy-sounding bands, but they also try to make a joke of everything: music, videos and what not - just not my taste.

Also, I do not like this wnb drummer nerd who turns out to be a fucking NRA fan... :P
hehe, I dunno what NRA is but I don't like the fact that he is so much into hiphop :p that's prolly what you meant...
NRA - Northern rifle association

They aren't exactly a hip hop thing, even though I would guess they make their business with them
Did you really just type 'Fucking Rad' ? :o
get morrissey and marr to play together again, then we are talking reunions
They are shit
wat n fanboy xD
Burn travis Burn.
good band but for this to be your happiest day ever tells me your a fucking loser
nothing personal spiROZE
but blink-182 sux donkeyballs =[
spiROZE : DDDDDDDDDD:::::>>>>>>:>::>:>::>:>:>:::dddddd
you're my source of most frustration
forget, when I don't need expectations
I hope they will die in busfire in their new tour.
It's bullshit they have been offered a huge amount of money to tour and they have took it. SELL OUT BAND LOL
that's bullshit, they already have enough money :D they do it because they love blink retard, but yeah you don't rly know the personalitys like I do
I'm sure you know the personalities of 3 people you have never met in your life. They are in it for the money man face it.
I think my brother listened to them once. Maybe at the ripe old age of 16 or something.

u must have an awesome life...
get a chick and make a journal again
not bad :)
best song of them:
Miss you
Metallica > blink 182

There are thousand more better bands then blink 182! don't like crappyamerican12yearoldmusic.

Like "Sol" sayed ; Not bad if you're 15. !!!!

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