Did man really set foot on the moon?

What do YOU think ? A poll would be better than the actual one.

if you want to read http://www.apfn.org/apfn/moon.htm
I cant decide, even if everything looks fake I still cant believe there wasnt anybody yet.
Yes. He did. Take your binoculars and watch the stuff on the surface. You can´t find every conspiracy from the internet, same shit pops out every few years.
ye i know, but if you start reading this you start to believe.

for example:
Here is my actual count of EVA photos of the six missions:

Apollo 11........... 121
Apollo 12........... 504
Apollo 14........... 374
Apollo 15..........1021
Apollo 16..........1765
Apollo 17..........1986

So 12 astronauts while on the Moon's surface took a TOTAL of 5771 exposures.

That seemed excessively large to me, considering that their TIME on the lunar surface was limited, and the astronauts had MANY OTHER TASKS OTHER THAN PHOTOGRAPHY. So I returned to the Lunar Surface Journal to find how much TIME was available to do all the scientific tasks AS WELL AS PHOTOGRAPHY. Unlike the number of photos, this information is readily available:
So you think that they were walking around there cameras in their hand and zooming stuff instead of some automated cameras?
No need for it. I am right, and even if I weren´t he would back me up :)
wouldnt the russians be the first who try to prove that americans never visited the moon? And as far as I know they never did!? And if not even soviet Russia was suspicious about the americans landing on the moon than there must be some idiots who make up some other unbelievable strange story or theory just for entertaining himself... Seriously all that conspiracy shit is just lame :x
Yeah, if Soviet Russia stopped this kinda conspiracies during the cold war, I guess there was nothing real on them :)
It's still plausible that they could have photographed that amount of stuff, given the time difference they were on the moon from Apollo 11 (21hrs) to Apollo 17 (3 days 2hrs) along with the amount of equipment they had with them and the intentions they had with the stuff.

See here for the photographic equipment, and check out the ones on the other side!

At least they were using Hasselblads :D
its a conspiracy, just like 911
everyone knows its fake, you got area 52 rolled
totally 52!

They also made up the famous 9/12 incident, right?

What is that?
In before the "Youtube Comments" picture!
photos are strange
It's definitely possible that Apollo 11 successfully made it onto the moon and back and there's no doubt a lot of mind boggling theories to prove they didn't go up.
I'll just say "yes" until otherwise proven.
Yes you fucking morons.
I just read a book a while ago concerning partly this topic.
They concluded that the first visit might've been a forgery or either a real one, but the later ones have been real.
I think I agree with that. So yeah I think ppl have visited the moon.
Why do you even care? Even if it was fake at least they've given hope, motivation & inspiration to research whatever is up there. And yeah I think that man has made it to the Moon.
absolutely agree with all of your words.
he did point out an very smart statement: why didnt we go to the moon again after 36 years?
That's a good point but the Moon hasn't been focused on because we already know a lot about it or at least the reseachers over the world know. But do you remember the crash of Columbus in which 7 members of the crew died and manned flights haven't been made ever since?
yes ofc xD what about it? ^^ (e: happened last week :o)
more like several years ago..
several years ago, in 1st february, which was last week
oops my bad, it was Columbia and not Columbus D:
old... and no! :D
this is also interesting for ppl who havn't seen:
9/11 teory
In one of the Mythbusters episode they went through all the conspiracy 'proofs' and explained why for an example the flag was moving etc, so yes i believe it :D
Better question is : does moon exist?!
ahahahaha =DDDDDDDDDD owned!
such a terribla cat!
biggest fail ever
It wasn't man... it was MYSTIC! also known as THE GOD
stfu noobs you dont know shit
like you do :XD
I watched a documentary about nasa stuff the other night, nothing to do with moon landings, but, how space suits were made. To check the movement and subtleness of the suit nasa made some contraption, like a wall a slight angle, and the suit tester would be suspended on wires. The movement was exactly like that of the footage on the moon, same falls, trips and jumps. I guess its all about opinion. Personally, no, if they did that long ago i recon it would have become routine by now.
Why should it have become routine?
Why the fuck would it?
I once did a research paper (well something like it) in school on that subject. Got an A.

Scientists/NASA had an answer for every "problem" the conspiracy theorists pointed out.
I dunno but there are some conspiracies that say it might be fake because of the flag which is flattering up there, but that's not possible!
It was constructed to flatter because a totally silent flag would have been disturbing back on earth.
Don't u think at least some of the thousands and thousands of the (ex-) Nasa members would come out (perhaps under an 'alias') to tell the truth? It's impossible that all those members would shut up for like 40 years already and not say anything about what really happened. Seems impossible to me so I still believe it really happened.
Thats the strangest part. Thousands of people beeing quiet about something so outrageous. Not even a single secret interview which would grant the person millions of dollars even when beeing anonymous. Exact same thing with 9/11.

Even stranger are conspiracies on astronomy and other scientific teories. Tens of thousands of academic professors worldwide all having secret meetings concerning Planet X, global warming, hollow earth and evolution.

Fucking kids.
we shall never find out
who the fuck cares seriously.

go watch star trek
or tokio hotel
ofcourse they have been to the moon ....
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