

so I just noticed that there's a Recent Forum Threads -thing in profile and I found my legendary forum topic about rizz being homo, which used to contain the awesome video, rizz=homo.avi.

Unfortunately my free finnish shit ftp has later died and I don't have the video, true classic which quickly became an all-time favourite all around the Europe, anymore. :(

But I thought that most likely someone still has it and therefore I'm now asking if anyone happens to have it and would care enough to upload for me? :) I'd really like to see my classic again and I could edit the legendary forum post so the legendary forum post would include the classic video again - think how awesome that would be!

tapsa racist :(
racists are the only kind of people I hate!!!!
darn you for beeing racist towards racists your racist!
i dont have it anymore :[
i've it on notebook somewhere =/
Reikkeri on 07/10/07, 19:53:40 PM | Reply

Cant say that there were any really suspicious moments, the most suspicious is that when he enters a fight in the situations he almost every time wins them with 100+ health which means that he had a suspicious advantage when going to a duel. Well I dont think thats enough for the bust, its ofc sad if he cheats and he doesnt get caught but so do many others
Stfu noob tapsa! tapsa=homo.avi is better
Why you hate me? :( let's go to cc6 with KRP-lan team? We can make it to the top3! I promise

I love you :)<3
yeah I'm just talking with mikko, we'll prolly book the flights today :)
love you m8<3, are lasse & johanes comeing too? :)
Are you really booking flights today? :O

Lasse said that he will come but johannes isn't sure yet!

M™ says (17:17):
no että jos 29.4 keskiviikkona lähtis niin olis 10€ ja jos tulis maanantaina 4.5 niin taas 10€
T™ says (17:18):
joo nähtävin searchasin kans
T™ says (17:18):
ei ois paha, vois melkee bookkaa jo :)
T™ says (17:18):
jos jättää viime tippaa ni voi olla 666e lol
M™ says (17:18):
M™ says (17:19):
juttelin äitin kans niin se sano että ne vois sponssata ton matkan mulle niinq ylppärilahjana
M™ says (17:19):
T™ says (17:19):
T™ says (17:19):
vois tänää kyl bookata :)
M™ says (17:20):
tapsa=homo.avi - Starring: Taz & Tapsa

hahahha owned lol'd n3rds ;D
I am not a homo.
gay got busted or not?
as we lost to ITA, he cheats 10000%
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