rizz=homo.avi (repost)

old :(` i think decem had it
nope, would like to see it tho.
No Perkele

without the avi
it was on adlernest right? and some old 70's song like eye of the tiger or abba can't remember, i cant find it :/
supply and adler
song was ABBA - Mamma Mia

few weeks ago there was this guy on bio saying
Quoteja sam peder i niko me nerazume
i replyed
Quotepusis kurac a, crko dabogda
too bad he disconected before i could yawn him
oops forgot language rule
Quoteja sam peder i niko me nerazume/im a fag but no one understand
i replyed
Quotepusis kurac a, crko dabogda/you suck dick
repost of my comment

"we lost to ITA, so he cheats 10000%"
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