What's the recepy to have a feeling that school finished fast?

I tried participating in class(which kinda helped) but gave up 2 days after, my brain started to overheat and had headaches after school. So that one is out. Next I tried sleeping on the desk, it's good but the teacher always warns me so that's out too. Next I tired to fuck around, talk, tease also good but the teacher would always got pissed off and sent me out from the classroom, so that one is out too. I'm running out of any good ideas, so any good idea would be appreciated cause I'll die of bore:)
sit next to an hot girl in your class
maybe he is in a math school ( bad memories flashback ) ?
listen to music while playing games on your phone, np
yeah I played pokemon gold on my mobile but I finished it(25 hours) :DDDDD
sleep and ignore
Don't go to school?
just play cards
make homeworkz zLoL!
go to work
read a book
listen to music
talk quietly

+what i'm doing in physics: do homework from other lessons 8D
pay attention so you dont end up like loekino
try playing a game with some classmates, i recommend 4 walls game: you need to touch the 4 walls of the room without the teacher seeing, always results in hilarious results!
that sounds like a lot of fun tbh
the front wall is the hardest :(
i rly wish to be back in school to try that :D
omg thats just great!:D
the best you can do is actually practicipate in the class and learn something, i figured it feels it ends MUCH faster
try it once, who knows, maybe you will be smarter than you are right now
never go to school unless you got exam/test. you teachers will love you (only works if you get good grades)
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