Etmasters Backstage

This is how you finish an interrupted decider in etmasters qualifiers.

No point of making avi of it. Have a look:

(click download with filefactory basic)

Shouldn't riffle near the truck be closer to the west?

EDIT: in answer to your comments.

History of the match.

Match's result's 2:2, one of vers players can't play anymore and has to go. We've already began to play decider (supply, 2 mins passed), then game pauses and admin reschedules the decider to the next day.

Very happy to meet again we start from the point we've interrupted the decider, was not difficult, just reduced vers's time by 2mins. Then few minutes of playing passes, vers steals the gold on SD, when all of a sudden some handsome boy connects on the server just to kick some of players and change the map.

Admins give us a new server and... the rest of the story is my demo.
nice game D:D
not NICE. It was the best match I have EVER played. However, can't see the support of what happened in the rules. This was a real 'circus on the wheels' how we say in polakland. Funny to watch, but...
why the wheels?
It's a raw translation of polish saying. I think wheels are there to emphasize the abstraction or nonsense of the situation.
'burdel on the wheels'
your point?
'circus on the wheels'
Whaha that match was so ...... I dont have words for it.
It made me whine but laugh even more xDDDDDDDD
so true :D good luck today
make avi
short sumary:
Match should've been played @ monday 20:00, since the day before decline forfeited vs devilry. Though (atleast afaik) the admins told devilry to still play the match and they won.

They finished @ 21:15 or so and the match vs verS should start right after, but devilry didnt agree with the server verS proposed and vice versa. The admin forced to play the match at a server where one of the verS guys had 160 ping all the time. It was 22:00 already and 2 players of versatile (1 of them was me) could only play till 22:30.

Now the match started with lots of whine and stuff before the war. During the first map nothing really special happened, but the time was something around 22:35 already.

Second map played aswell which left the score tied after 2 maps.
A decider had to be played, but the verS guys really had to go now so they asked the admin and players to reschedule the decider, but the oppo and neither the admin agreed so we had to start.
After 2 mins of supply (ref started the game + unpaused all the pauses) eVo came and he said we could play the decider the next day.

21:30 Tuesday 10/02 the decider started.
verSatile had 2 mins penalty because they didnt cap the flag yet in those 2 mins at the previous war (though they had the spwntime + they had quite an hold on them already). So a whole new decider with 2 mins penalty for the versatile side without having their spawntime anymore + had to start @ spawn again.
versatile made it to get the gold in the truck in 7 mins + 4 guys full (so 9 mins with penalty) when some random guy came and started to kick everybody from ETTV.

The decider still had to be played but what to do now?
Again versatile had the most problems because of that since they could start with the gold @ the truck, but everybody of verS had to wait outside the walls and devilry were supposed to wait in their spwn. Versatile had to start from outside again, and left without devilry's spwntime.
At the end versatile made it in 11 mins total time which they holded for 6/7 mins @ flag and the rest at the depot gate.

Peace Out
Yup, that's right. However, forget about our match for a second. Imagine a shining ETMASTERS sign over your head and run the demo. Peace out.
I won't run the demo to much time imo as i played the match myself.
Though this is just based on my view and ofc ETMasters is above this war and stuff but these were my 50 cents. Now im done with it ;D
eee we agreed on a server, you just were whining because of this one guy, then we changed server where was not config and ettv so we had to change it again... so why are you telling we didnt agree ?
we didnt agree on the server atleast I didn't and cant imagine carniee did with his ping. At an other server (the one which we played the 2nd map) u didnt agree because ur average ping was 80 instead of 60.
Anyways nice rematch cya
can someone explain what happened? :p
not whining, just want to share the best game i have ever played with others.
haha, nice :D
wtf, SERIOUS CUP, seriously devilry should get forfeit win
Match's result's 2:2, one of vers players can't play anymore and has to go. We've already began to play decider

merc or forfeit
Ref started the match + it was their fault we played @ that time we alrdy said we cant play that long anymore
If I would have started the game, the wont have been played. Maybe next year minimum :D:D:
u started it + unpaused the pause if i remember correctly atleast u whined about the pause
we had to play arround 20.00 and we started 21.45 but me and morf didn't had the time because we were still playing 3rd map at 23.15. + I think we moved to 5 different servers because of the ping and we had a retarded admin ( evo is the best but infect.... no words for it )

verS-MORF: look at carniee his ping it's pointless ( 170 ping or something )
ETmasters infect: do I look like I care?

Anyway I had a great laugh we played yesterday the decider on ettv and had the gold fast but we were getting kicked by polaks. Then we moved to another server and played it out.
I am retarded because i didnt want to hear your whine? If i remember correctly you insulted your opponents and me and other polish dudes and whined for no reason. So yes, I muted you.
u are wrong ;D u started together with devilry by saying that our map was supply while we didnt even say anything from there on the whine started to build up @ both sides
tbh didn't insult them nor you. You were acting retarded and not like an admin should act. Just look at eVo and then talk again.
check ensam replay and then talk about acting like a retard
Sinnu was busy... and you ref start.

87 ET masters infect asking evo
88 mASCULINE kapaa you sucks anyway

103 mASCULINE kapaa OMG
104 mASCULINE kapaa RUP
105 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? ffs sec
106 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? moron
107 verS-JOSHUA F kapaa su
108 mASCULINE ENSAM dont worry our backup is terrible
109 verS-JOSHUA F fintard
110 ET masters infect sinnu, it's not CB

145 ET masters infect sinnu
146 mASCULINE kapaa fucking retards
147 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? 1 min
148 ET masters infect go
149 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? 1 minute plox
150 verS-JOSHUA F 1 sec I have phone
151 ET masters infect i will ref otherwise

anyway let's shut up about it and act a little bit normal since I guess you will be admin again tonight
you had no phone or anything. Just wanted to delay the game cause kapa needed to go
haha no I didn't :P but morf had and sinnu had something dunno what anymore ask him. Anway the 'masculine' guys are always acting like retards and now they are trying to act grownup. So why would I act normal now to them? If we had one to go I am 100% sure they would do the same. But Sinnu and morf had something so I can't see the blame of the delay.
we would have done the same? didnt you just tell you didnt do anything? >:OOO

and no we wouldnt have delayed a game to get an advantage against a team like you.
agree with that
i have a versatile story too :))))))))
well we were playing our ET masters qualifier versus TEAM VERSATILE

Kapa had to leave for work at 22:00 CET so we asked if we could start earlier. they didnt agree to that so we started a little later than supposed.

first map was GR which we won easily. After GR i asked the admin who was on the server if we can switch players between rounds. Admin allowed that,even after a short argue with TEAM VERSATILE.

So we changed map to supply and asked them to rup quick so we could play first round with kapaa.

143 mASCULINE $ample just rup now
147 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? 1 min
148 ET masters infect go
149 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? 1 minute plox
150 verS-JOSHUA F 1 sec I have phone
153 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? 1 min
154 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? ffs
164 verS-JOSHUA F lol now morf has phone
165 verS-JOSHUA F =/
166 ET masters infect i will ref it
167 ET masters infect if you dont rup
168 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? do it
169 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? then
170 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? don't care
171 verS-JOSHUA F Can't vote to mute referees!
172 verS-JOSHUA F shit
173 mASCULINE ENSAM real sportsmanship
174 verS-MORF wait up its important
175 verS-MORF 5 mins
178 verS-JOSHUA F kapaa u got to go soon?D::D:DD

after waiting for 5-10 minutes we decided to change kapaa to our backup player whose ping was between 300-999 and suddenly they were in a hurry

187 verS-JOSHUA F infect
188 verS-MORF gogo
189 verS-JOSHUA F we wait already so long
190 verS-MORF i hang up
191 verS-SiNnUWHOAX? gogo
192 verS-JOSHUA F ref start please

Still won the game quite easily though, even we practically played 5on6 the whole sd

full chat log + stats here:
they were no match for sample and ensam + randoms
What script you used to get these stats? (dl link pls!:P)
pm Ssample @ qnet
most damage received - verS-MORF
most knifed - verS-MORF

u n e x p e c t e d
One retard did the same in anti 3v3 wc.. came on as an admin and kicked the guy with objective right before the table. Fucking dickeaters i would fill your veins with shit everyday.
your point being?
they lost because of all the shit that was happening in the match
professionalism at it's best :o)
something should be done to those guys that ruin games
if u can get guid/ip etc ban them from all the cups in future
we have and i couldn't agree more they are just so lame its unreal
the funny thing is the whine is continuing here. you guys made this match so hard to admin by forgetting one very important thing, sportsmanship and fair play. Lets take the original evening.

Devilry received a forfeit win from decline when the game was supposed to play so the next match would be devilry - Vers, now whilst getting prepared for that game i receive a request that both devilry and decline now want to play (a day late), me and chosen agreed because no one wants forfeit wins however this means Vers have to wait until after that game. Devilry beat decline and now have to play Vers who have been waiting patiently without whining to me about how they are getting delayed.

The game starts and as you can see goes to a decider, quite legitimately vers now have to retire to bed, parents whining etc. I am not going to give devilry a forfeit win when vers were forced to wait in the first place, how would that be fair so i agreed for the game to continue the next day.

Next day
Game continues and now ffs some retard polak ruins the game by joining the server and ref kicking etc, he is now banned from gtv btw for that. Impossible situation so we tried to recreate the situation as best we could and once again neither team make this easy by not listening and following simple instructions thus all the whine.

Either way then Vers quite comfortably held Devilry anyway so they deserved to win simple as.

But as a note to the players and teams, fair play goes a long way in these situations and its a shame that seems to be lost on a lot of people and you make situations harder than they need to be and more difficult for admins to manage.
Devilry won by forfeit from decline, but they decided to play this match and you delayed that one vs Vers - OK but if you say that making such weird decider is ok just because, like you said "agreed because no one wants forfeit wins" it's not devilry fault, rather decline changed their mind. Wasn't a better idea to just play this match again and skip this whole whine?
Ever played against those guys?:P It's not even a little bit how they always act like we did. And most of it was just for fun and what was so bad about it anyway. Everyone is flaming sometimes.
You did well, it was fair now I guess. Don't know why they have to make a journal about it now:p maybe because it was a bit funny. We could laugh about it but I was also a bit pissed off
just for curiosity - who was that polish guy who kicked us out of the server? :D
I agree with you, but after the whine the day before all day long and stuff things got heaten up a bit.
Im sorry for any whine and i hereby apologize = )

I know it was hard to deal with these kind of situations so sorry for that ;D

GL with the cup ^^
versatile fucking lame clan. should be banned
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