djWHEAT interview

Interview done by SK-Gaming

Good stuff about communities, pro-gaming, eSports, sponsors and such. Read it, motherfuckers
tosspot > djwheat
Not rly :x

djWheat + TosspoT > *
you prolly never heard him
i m only interested in tosspot interviews, sorry.
Great guy! Read and respect! (you should post this kinda stuff in other news rather than journal!)
What about the 'interview' section? :O)
feel free to post an interview there!
I would, but i'm trying to persuade rahul to play me in q3 but hes being a bit of a lesbian at the mo x(
and get this RTCW cup started!!
"I don't believe that bullshit. People relate to playing games more than they can relate to Tony Hawk on a half-pipe... end of story."

He's not wrong... over 1 million FIFA online matches played every day.
wheat is the man
love his gaming shows and shoutcasting
Epileptic gaming FTW
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