nfl fantasy

dunno if its old but i just saw this and its pretty amazing

the one with the bells and the other one that catches the ball with 2 other balls

didnt see it yet. nice.

EDIT: why the fuck this kind of videos have glitches from whose everything that a person has to see to aprove it are hiden, the question is: are we too jelous of others pro skills or are we just like dont trusting the entire world just to keep the ilusion that we are the best

no shit. it is an nfl fantasy commercial after all.
fake :<
Anyway it can't be true that they are all fake? Or what? Atleast there are some who can be done, that's for sure, but the one with the bells is damn funny though, enough to believe it's fake, or else that guy who does it must have some awesome skills!
its real. no doubt about it.
so fucking awesome <3
its fake like the ronaldinho fakemovie
your move
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