s_khz 22/44
ET Sounds.
13 Feb 2009, 17:21
Don't know if theres that much of a difference or if it's just me.. but i want the sounds in my ET to sound more like ;
(For example)
The sounds seem a bit more flat, and you can hear every sound just a little bit better.I tend to notice the sound difference more with reloading sounds, grenade ticking and the actual gun sounds seem alot louder/deeper.
anyone know the settings to get something like it?
(p.s Shoutout to jnO as he is pro as fuck.)
(For example)
The sounds seem a bit more flat, and you can hear every sound just a little bit better.I tend to notice the sound difference more with reloading sounds, grenade ticking and the actual gun sounds seem alot louder/deeper.
anyone know the settings to get something like it?
(p.s Shoutout to jnO as he is pro as fuck.)
Using 44 already :U
change it to 22, more "tingy" and what shnaps said
nosh nosh nosh
so naice, so slurped.
shoot more headshots ...
seaneh <3!!:DD
You forgot to close your bracket at the end, Sean.