
Hi guys, normally my screen works at 75hz but when I start up ET my screenhz always goes to 60hz :s so I always have to edit it to 75hz everytime I start up ET :s someone has an idea how it comes that it just doesn't stay 75hz when I start up et?

Oh and yeah, my colors also change from 32 to 16..
r_displayrefresh ?
I have the same problem : > Im too lazy to do it on my own, but solution would be ''autoexec'' file with commands like r_dispref 75 + vid_res imo
It's already at 76 in my cfg..
put r_displayrefresh to 75. It doesn't work if u put 76 there
are you serious =p ? ok
76 exceeds your monitors maximum, so yeah it won't do anything then :p
but I can keep my fps at com_maxfps 76 ?
If you use a TFT it doens´t make a different if you use 60 or. 75HZ.

1) Look @ Windows Settings
2) Look in you "Autoexec" files. (+ETconfig)
3) Write a second config(1) , in it : /r_displayrefresh 75 // and in your own Config /exec 1
"If you use a TFT it doens´t make a different if you use 60 or. 75HZ."

That's not true.
- Some TFT screens can display 75 Hz at lower resolutions.
- Some can handle a 75Hz input but only display 60FPS, so it will skip every fifth frame (jerky movement) if you use r_displayrefresh 75.
bs, 75hz is 5x as smooth as 60hz on both my lcd's
tested 75 hz @ et yesterday.
Its a huge difference to 60 hz, its getting much smoother
you sir r talkin pure bullshit
I had the same problem. a solution was to run the game in windowed mode. simply choose the same resolution as in windows.
powerstrip !
Member For: 2 years, 8 months and 22 days

and such a nub ... jeeez
I have samsung 2232BW and I can set maximum 60 hz, is it possible to change it to 75?
try 1024*768 resolution, should work
but I want 1680x1050
with this u cant use 75 hz
well it suck then :P
IT is because your resolution in ET is too big for your monitor to pull off 75hz. Try using a smaller resolution like 1280x800 or 1440x900. Those most likely will work with 75hz on a 19inch tft, bigger then that will get you 60hz.
I got a 17" TFT but it works fine now I think :)
displayrefresh 72
widescreen resolution same in windows & ET
works fine.
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