Vista SP1

I'm about to install it, anyone here having problems with ET after installing SP1 ?

image: greenieimage: boratimage: greenie
Not me :o
nop, do it
Fucking much problems dont do it, seriously.
for example?

only /vid_restart when playing ET will get you kicked for API Function [VIST<3PB]
afaik there is already a solution for this "prob"

and btw i never had this prob...
hmm had some random com surrogate crash everytime i loaded thumbnails in media folders wich was really annoying. but its solved now.
Fucking much problems dont do it, seriously.
dont you dare do it, ati :(
No problems at all.

I even have 64bit vista so just install it.
cant set my mouserate to 500/1k hz cuz my usb ports stop working (insti if you are reading this u didnt help me at all) + sometimes I get kicked for api function when doing /vid_restart
API Function kick is a known bug in vista, not just SP1.
It's not Vista's fault, it's PB.
You won't get kicked for API function when your using XP.
Obviously, because ET PunkBuster is not compatible with Vista, unlike any commercial game's, such as CoD 4.
If I would own a server then I would just delete PB.. I know that everybody then can come to our server and hack on it but I've never seen someone got kicked for hax when I was playing a war against someone
did you check the "filter ond device" box before patching and restarted afterwards? Sounds like you haven't this is supposed to work.
vista is good!!!
Not had any problems with vista
working fine here
working fine here
A pc only has problems if there is an idiot sitting on a chair in front of it, nothing to do with the OS. INSTALL IT GO GO GO
i bet your pc has a shit load of problems then.

just one little problem..
when I minimize to windows it crashes now and then.. thats all
only with moviemaking, rest was fine
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