Wales v. England [RUGBY]

Whats peoples expectations and opinions for this game? I think wales are going to run circles round us, but im expecting (hoping?) for a better game from England than anything we've seen for a while! Nice to have tindall back for a start, and hopefully worsley will be a positive influence

Random pic and discussion for those that dont care:

Aza or not? Let the discussion continue.
Not this shit again.

GL Wales!! jonge
welsh ppl very sexy
especially the accent
Rooting for England but I can't see Wales losing this.
There both goina lose
MayniLOL! and i'd say wales will win.
dunno anything about the teams, but I got a hunch that wales will own
haha whats the obvious choice..
Wales are still going to win even though Shane Williams is out
Oggy Oggy Oggy Oi Oi Oi

Wales 4 teh win ofc
rugby is for pussies :O)))
Do people actually take rugby seriously?!
do you take footsie seriously ?
Nah dawg but I got mad b-ball skillz, goin' fo' a scholarship, ya dig?
not really, why play a game that isn't that far removed from girly netball ?
Go Owzo Go
owzo is going to cry
Wales wins obviously.
If England play as well as they have so far, for the rest of the match and loose, ill actually be happy :D

e: Unexpected result! :D, still played well.

p.s Ref defo had 'consitancy issues'
20-15 wales 10 minutes left WOOT WOOT!
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