
image: b6fo6n49dmnt41fx6

needs moaar MGs
next fail incoming, better leave it alone and create a new map...
next fail incoming, better leave it alone and create a new map...
cease remodelling amiss maps, but tender rather novel ones
more info?
next fail incoming, better leave it alone and create a new map...
Oh dear...plz no...
rofl. will have nice tax, 6 on MG.
That is the most fucking stupidest thing I have ever seen someone to post in crossfire

I fucking hate polish people
nice ! Like et_beach ! :XD
like it... but ye...the mgs are a bit 2 heavy

+ will be hard for allies to pass this stage because its easy to defend for the axis...hiding blabla...

need bit more balance for axis/allies imo

anyway nice work
too hard for allies
looks nicer tho
Is this the official MAP in NC?!
Better imo.
its nice
but still the map sux anyway...
i still like battery !:P
quite nice but too many things to blow up, keep only the regular gun plant and the one down, like he is showing at the end and it can be a cool map :-) 2 axis will spawn @ back spawn, at the begining, medic and covie, shooting from top of the gun... covie to destroy the ramp ofcourse.. and its alot quicker and more equal for both sides
this now, is fucking brilliant.
is that map released somewhere?

edit: nvm, got it already, just tested it..pretty nice :P!
i rly love that u havent got to do the obj. in a certain row, that u can decide urself where u start first and that makes it pretty hard for axis aswell..just brilliant.

put that map into the cb pool, finally a map where timelimit can be 25 or 30 imo :p
awesome !

need some of that fixes
thats just nice!!!
That'd be cool. :p
niiice one
too many obj tho, and it should be harder for axis to build up that wall
like a barrier in grush e.g.
imo nice idea but there are too many things to blow up ...
have to agree, this map is great
that guy made some good looking maps
more mg...
rofl 5 mg's watching the allies spawn :XD
zomg :{ its 2 early for me!
you could have edited, that would save ur face
No shit.
worth a try! i didnt like that wooden barrier but this looks ok
nice make it more easily for axis with that mg...
If you had put as much effort into warbell as you did into battery it would have been the best map ever. Yeah battery .... it is even worse than railgun.
its hard enough to get the ramp, so why make it even more difficult
the ramp is already built up i think
plz not again.
remove all the mgs and it would be a lot better!
rather not :<
sw_battery_b3 <- offi map plz :c
Looks good, just get rid of the MGs on the left :)
better leave it alone and create a new map... too hard for allies
need some new maps, something that looks different from others

something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K2YNDL9Cig&feature=channel_page
way to long/big dont you think?
well yeah, it would be edited for competition but i really like the look of the map
And I thought this was gonna be a rant about battery in NC's map pool. :(
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