et @ 75 hz

I got a problem. Last time i tested 75 hz on my tft with resolution 1024*768 and it worked very good and the game run smooth.
Now i try to do the same, and the picture lagz.
maybe anyone know the solution?
check your monitor menu and see if it really is running at 75hz
the monitor might not support 75hz on the resolution you're using
like i said it was ok last time.
I checked the monitor and it shows 75 hz
do u have same fps as last time?
probably the problem is in pb lags then as fredd said :p
got that same.... try 125fps, helped me at least :D
Can your monitor actually support that refresh rate safely or have you forced it with a registry hack? Try 60fps (or 125 if you can get it) @ 60hz .. its not like you need a 'magic number' fps anymore with b_fixedphysics.
i didnt use any registryhacks, just changed to 75 hz in windows properties at this resolution. 60 hz with 60 fps i was using before, and it isnt that smooth as with 75 hz
set the priority of running "et.exe" to high after pushing CTRL+ALT+DEL
i did, after returned to the game and it was still lagging the same
800x600 75hz 24" 125fps, best evah
i tryed 75 hz with 60, 76, 125 fps and in every case got a lag
ET it buggy, Override on custom refresh rates for 1024*768
In graphic driver you can override refresh rate for every resolution so that resolution will always be refreshed as defined.
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