cf profile pix :c

I'm getting pissed of that shit... I have a pic safed as .jpg and it has the size of 40kb... and do you think crossfire will accept it? no -.-

"The following errors occured:
» Sorry, but that filetype is not allowed."

do you have the same problem?

crossfire change this shit!
Yeah, because it's the site that makes mistakes... not you!
so fucking unbelievable right?
No I had the error:

"The following errors occured:
» Sorry, but you're too ugly."
n1 outing urself as ugly
Maybe resize it?
its small enough :c
Make it jpeg or something else?
try to make it jpg again at mspaint :~>
image: avatar
np for me :)
make sure you upload it as photo and not as cfg :D
I had the same problem untill I realized I tried to upload it as a config :D
u have allready one pic atm on avatar right? and u want to replace it with another one, simple just delite that one that u have now with pressing on that red button at pic and then u can upload new one. If u dont understand what i mean just pm me and i will explane to u.
gay :D go back at ur topic since ur famus :D
i was that way before.
edit: nvm. reading is difficult!
You can have my profile pic np!
Hello handsome! Buy me a drink?
try saving as jpeg
maybe take other photo... face controle

garilein :(
I had the same problem on crossfire and another forum page. Don't remember how I solved the problem on crossfire, maybe sent it to an admin...
On the other forum page I noticed that it was due to my webbrowser. At that time FF 3.0 had just recently been published and I had downloaded it. But however, the forum page wasn't up-to-date which didn't allow me to upload my pic.
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