Duck's journal.

Dear Crossfire

So here I am in my temporary place of living in a village nearby my previous place of living - the big city. I took some free 1 month UMTS internet trial (limited to 1GB/month - LaL if it wasn't free I wouldn't even look at it) so I'm online sometimes. Currently I'm preparing for my exam of Zoology of Invertebrates (I know it's tomorrow but gotta find out at what time and where) which as you probably already guessed is utterly fascinating and by that I'm struggling to pass this term. Passing it will be kind of a Pyrrhus' victory as I already saw my schedule for 2nd term and it's utter shit (3 different kinds of chemistry + at least 2 times a week studying until 21.00) so it doesn't make me feel too happy as I'll have max 1 week of winter break if any and again back to this shizzle. It's already my 4th week of exam session and the possibility of mental and physical collapse is now very real. Plz care and tl;dr.

Quote"Glebokosc dupy w której sie znajdujesz w czasie sesji jest proporcjonalna do dlugosci chuja którego polozyles na semestr."

image: funny-pictures-15-cents-stop
dont take random pics, its a waste of your bandwith:D
Random pic is never a waste of bandwidth!
gl 2u2 flushy!
r you sure your pl? :x
Why the doubt?
Some polish ppl are nice actually. Just give it a try.
i see :D, and your able to speak decent english too
That's not that uncommon in here at least among the people I know. Also I used to speak better, just stopped studying english a few months ago so I'm getting worse at it. But I know a few words in dutch too like eet mijn klompen!

gl with ur exams ;<
Thx Craboeh!
Zoology? do you stick your hand in an aniamals anus?
Not really, we don't deal too much with the living ones and even less with their anuses(though a guy next to me did stick tweezers up a dead rat's arsehole or threw some seminal bladders of a dead earthworm at me). Also the exam is theoretical not practical.
The guy next to you is a sick fucker who needs putting down! We good luck in your exams!
Yeah he's quite a twisted wank. Thanks!
omg 4 weeks exams, thats hard mate! Shit inet is even harder. But you will do it man!
Hope we can play some matches together again, half of my new pc (cpu, gpu, ram and power supply) already arrived atm iam waiting for the rest!
Yeah thanks for the kind words :D In a few months I'll have normal inet and then we'll pown! (ofc if punkbuster won't be fucking me up again)
hey ducki :) <3
ducky ducky ducky!!!!! :)
Wish I was studying the same as you :(
have exam in 45 minutes :< wtf
Not only you man, not only you... :(

Though you can make your own mix under the name of the glorious ABONPTMW!

Make a journal, get some vent, gather people and hey - it's done!
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