in need of uberduper cfg :D

Ye as u can read ( hope so ) im looking for a config...

of the superduperoldschoolrox0r

dl link pls, thx.

lio's real cfg would also be nice THOUGH HES BUSTED I KNOW! ;D

but if u got any suggestions for a nice config , maybe urs, u can also post up just do it on the crossfire'ish way!

thx :P

EDIT: got 22 TFT so think about resolution and stuff and dont claim mAus cfg is teh best!

EDIT2: thx 4 all ur suggestions ! I found both u can still suggest ur configs or other ones u rly like ( for sure 125 fps only ;P! )
gl :)

mines aksually good tho!, screens & link in my profile :D got a 22" screen too
Prolly, but these configs helped me!
look @ my profile
In my profile!
ph4zor no config will help u to become better :o
use mine!

edit: it's not uploaded on cf!
HeHe, fuckyou is perfo's, sup with scrn? who's cfg is polak? and the rest of the configs like best? test? ffs? drop? wtf? setz? war?
pm cuttyP or crittie
configs make u pro, i heard.
[ger] es geht mir recht wenig darum wessen CFG es ist sondern eher um die GFX settings etc. eigene binds habe ich zu genüge. [/ger]
bleib einfach ma bei einer config und wechsel net 20x pro woche die gfx settings dann wirst vllt. au besser :d
ja leichter gesagt als getan...immer finde ich irgendwas was mir nicht passt :<
btw deine is auch nich schlecht :XD
like there are so many cvars which are important for GFX.....
like u have a great idea about configs.
English, MoFo!
seems like

1. my engrish is better

2. i dont care bout cfgs, i hv a n1 (mine) so u can gtfo
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