F.E.A.R. 2 LuLzzZ

after few hours of playing i got something that looks like this (approx at the replica soldiers fighting level :<)

my screen moves right, the hud stays on the place, crosshair stays on the place, but everything else moves right, while left edge is getting mirrored, its quite pissing off since i dont see a shit on my right handside and cant aim since its bugged then, except ironsight.

you got this alzo? :<
its a thing in the game, dont worry
why would anyone increase the difficulty level liek this ? :C
i heard its pretty shit
Screenshot of the level/area could help... i also noticed a single bug in the game, but i dunno its the one youre talking about...
Mh, its not the one i mean... looks weird though...
Already tried to lower the gfx-settings (disable AA, set details to low) to see, if the error still occurs?
i didnt have it at teh next level so np i suppose
That was Alma
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