a morning tv reminder (&discussion!)
17 Feb 2009, 05:34
Here's to hoping that Heroes doesn't suck, and that 24 slows the fuck down and starts developing a real plot.
edit: Well Heroes was fairly dire/mediocre. The only scene that is worth mentioning is the Noah/Claire scene in her room. I feel bad for Jack Coleman.
A lot of people seem way out of character... and Ando's English accent... he doesn't even try to hide it any more... I hate it.
sup with you? still working night shifts?
Plenty of western scrolling bullet hell games.
in parts BAD in parts good.
the parts with claire THE WORST OF THE WORST.
parts with sylar good.
hoping claire gets less air time her character = the DRAIN
No One tree hill
No Prisonbreak
on a plus though, dl "what just happened" . great film :)
only been posted 2 days, so hopefully a 1080p encode will be done soon, will check it out
dvd sources are like what... 6-8gb? 1080p x264 blu-ray encodes... 8-12gb
it's not like I'm ever in a situation where I can't wait 30 minutes more for a film, it's not like I have limited bandwith, and storage is cheap these days
And 24........... it's always the same thing... saving the world from 239848972 terrorists attacks in 24h *____*
Or maybe it's kinda different now ? (stopped 3 or 4 seasons ago)