For all the hard working ppl out there

show me some pics of your place where you're working!



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your work is to use google earth?
no it's not. my work is to compile maps of germanys part in such programs like google ea with Gis-Systems
HARDWORKING computer nerd lolol
I once took a pic here, it was few hours in the inet, workmate called me and told it to get it off or I will get fired :)
post here plox!
What about No ?
cmon show us some of your brothel
i work at white house i am the president, yes its me barack
Always knew you were black
looks really nice though...hows that company called? :-)

btw i have the same mousepad @ work - its shit! hehe...

u use dell systems.. we use ibm
We got Dells too, few weeks ago I noticed that one of them is upside down, I heard it has been like that for 2-3 years, so I guess there is no problem with it :)
lol...i bet u guys never use the cd drive :D

do u browse 4chan etc @ work? ;-)
No, I have never used that site, just clicking if someone links me there. But I can browse anything I want, no one can see ;)
well i can browse anything as well but there are logs ofc... if they wanted, they could bust me, im afraid! :-D

gonna change job soon anyways...;-))))
Well you can delete your private data, but sure they could dig it out if they want to. But who cares where you surf if you are not giving up any secret info.

They are running this law here in Finland atm, called Lex Nokia (heh, what a coincidence), it basically let´s company to track what you do while working, where your emails go etc. Let´s see what happens.
lol ye well even if theres no law for it, they can technically trace my traffic and my mails nP...they get archived if they want, they can read them as well... i know they can..!!

break the law then! :D
I guess it is quite hard to read private mails etc, all they could do is to ask what are you sending to [email protected] and if you can´t show/answer correctly you might get fired.

I personally think that it is ok to track people when they are working, if I was running a company I would like to be sure that important company stuff were not spread around by some office clerk.

Ofc it is a different thing if the block you for nothing.
ye idd...depends also on the company size and how good i know and how much i trust my employees though...

but huge companies like dell e.g. they block every possible entertaining site on the web - a friend of mine works there ^^
I have no problems here where I work, every site works fine. Only program installing is blocked, damn I can´t get any pokerclients here nor that I could update java to work on my browser :)
rooooooooooofl... i have the same prob...thouhg i tried and then i had to search for the installation files on my c:/ drive to delete them... :D

tried to install poker / skype... both failed... xD

it's a german federal agency, we are a part of "Innenministerium"
oh, i c...schäuble is your boss then! and youre probably caring about the it-infrastructure of traffic-management etc..?!!

id love to call that place my home :D

v. nice pics...especially the cigarettes...looks like the workers @ innenministerium are not a good example of living healthy ^^
its idd very nice to work there, and yeah, schäuble is my boss, but there are dozens of other bosses between me and him :D. yeah i know smoking is unhealthy but personally sometimes i would fall asleep if i couldnt smoke min. once an hour
im still at work...

smoking my ass off...boring day and smoking is idd - ironically - a thing that keeps me actually at life @ work ;-)

have a nice evening!!

btw just got a phonecall that im 1 round further @ job interview interview on thursday afternoon...woohoo :-) day started shitty, ends rly nice...!
grausame Arbeitszeiten... Viel Glück beim Bewerbungsgespräch :)
"hard working ppl out there"

dont think that includes students =D btw the main building from the uni looks bad anyway
inside my office with my workers...

Your pic reminds me of the Architecture building at Uni of Nottingham :p Not inside tho..
geek company is geek! and what about those turkish flags everywhere? zomg...i hate nationalism..
there is only one türkish flag in the place...
image: Pr_1
i'm sitting in the building right of that pond-thingie on a random "großraumbüro-desktop" :<
wtf is this? :D
shopping city? ^^
at first it looked like a F1 course :-D
its trade fair in Leipzig, where Games Convention was until last year :<
its huge!
but großraumbüro sux.. im sharing an office too with 3 other peeps...which sux....
yeah its noisy in here, sucks!
right now im filled up to the top, just had lunch. gnocchi with a cheesy sauce and chili-cocos-soup :D
lol bah.....i had a muesli riegel in the morning and a knackwurst with some gouda cheese...:-/

right now im hungry...but i got an appointment every i must not eat yet :(
you'll have a nice dinner in the evening then :D
no idea...hope that gf buys some wicked stuff to eat :-)
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