
What's the best/cheapest way to split up my cable internet connection to another pc.
Also without it giving me lagz, any way to configure the use of the other pc ?
ethernet cable :p
image: riker-facepalm
god save us
Ethernet cable + Disable every download program on the other computer + bash the user of the other computer if he is doing something taking too much bandwidth
I only know the most expensive way :'<
with all ur esl premium accounts im sure its easy
I depends and what the 2nd node will be doing
Surfing/sending emails. nothing too requiring i hope

I thought about just installing a netllimiter maybe on the other pc ?
+ Is this router possible ?
If they are just surfing the web then slap them on wireless. I am the only one in my family using Ethernet and the rest are on wireless and I have no problems. How far will the 2nd node be from your pc/router?
So you're suggesting a wireless router, right ?
Well my cable modem is like in the garage, so like 1 floor up and a few meters ( +- 5-10 meters directly) pc's are rooms next to eachother.
Ask them what they want, either way should work.
jump off a cliff
You can probably config it in your router.
The bandwith of users ?
Yes, depending on what make/model of router you have, login to the router admin page and see what options you have.
Order La Fonera for free and use wireless. The best and ONLY FREE way you can do it :)

Already got it at home.
ye ur internet connection rox !
thats because of my provider. ALEKS!
kupi si ruthor, tako ko sam ja upravijo frendu da sam mu sa rutherom prikljucijo na 2 pc net.
ye i want to give my sisters inet only 1 mbit and me 5 !

Router that is QOS capable or just netlimiter.
pm EnglandGriim
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