Annual Wolftigy Meeting 2009 Edition

Hi all!

Almost 2 years ago, we had a meet&party with PHnet and Wolftigy players. After PHnet died, we had an idea to take and arrange our own party, where we oldschool players could hang around and have a chatty night with each others.

The idea became true last year and the saga continued last weekend when we had a BBQ party at Turku.

Fortunately I had a camera with me this time:

Wolftigy players

C ya @ AWM10!!!
all butchers/scientists/dokters ?
:))) nice

e: gaylords
purpose of this comment? bad humour?
MIROSIHVONEN ounaa kaikki, oh wait...

where's Tunesa !?
sirpa on jo jakautunu kahtia !
MIROSIHVONEN aka. faabeli aka. sirpa :D:D:D
That's just sick -,-
hyvät bleet oli \o/
Zombba on paras panzeri ikinä
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