
your all such fucking idiots.

japan played well cant take that away from them, but do you seriously think they would stand a chance in a EU server? fuck that for a laugh they would get destroyed.

lovely sportsmanship by Estonia by allowing to play on USA server where they knew that playing like that it would be 10 times harder.

if japan or other teams wanna play nc they can start playing on eu servers considering most nations are from Europe therefore the average if they cant play with that ping then its not all the others teams fault.

its like just because polish are unhitable and laggy doesn't mean you have to become unhitable and laggy to play vs them, to show "sportsmanship"

the only good thing about this result is that Portugal doesn't look half as bad as they did when they lost to japan.
thats my maltese boy
mAv has spoken
agree again, but why you made a journal for it? xD
had to get my opinion across big time!

added the last line as well!
Quote by meIf sportsmanship is agreeing to play on a server that you know you will lag on, then loging on to crossfire and saying "LOL MAN WE WOULD OWN YOU ON EU SERVER LOL XDD' Then fuck me im ET's best team player.

Quote by Helldid anyone actually see that we couldn't even gib them because of that shit? go see the match again and look closely

Story of the day - Couldn't even gib.
You clearly haven't watched the match. If you did you would see Japan's teamplay > ee and that's regardless of ping.
i did watch the game, and yeh maybe japan had that little better team play than ee but ee was playing with rocket which btw was awfull, and when japan lost to belgium because they played with some merc that was the excuse but when its the other way around no one realises?
Sorry, what? You didn't even mention this at first and now you going on to something other than ping. Anyway, rocket has probably practiced with them, where as upstate did not vs beligum.
yeh course im going on to something else, you were the one going around saying that they lost because japan used merc but now est play with rocket and no one cares about that little prospect? fuck that for a laugh
Still has little to do with your argument about pings...Maybe you should make another journal about this. Well as eurUz88 said below, they did play with rocket but not sinnu, which does mean EE were at a disadvantage - but put it this way; Based on Japan's teamplay in that match, do you think EE still would have had better teamplay than Japan even with their full lineup? I think not.
actually yeh i do think so, they beat poland (which i believe will win nc) if they had the same lineup they would of made the game closer, if they played in a eu server they would of easily won it.
That's quite an unfair argument. You can't compare Japan to Poland because they haven't even played this season yet. How do you know Poland's teamplay>Japan? (I doubt it anyway)
im not comparing poland to japan im saying if est had the same lineup they had vs poland the one they pracced for a while with they would of made the game alot closer.

night reload euruz bff sinnu scyter i believe where the players they have been praccing with.
You said they would have won, now your saying "much closer"? :S
if they had the same lineup they would of made the game closer, if they played in a eu server they would of easily won it.
You know, even if Japan was playing with 300 ping and EE 50 I still reckon Japan would have won, because teamplay is more important.
yeh your an idiot tho.

med team with the best teamplay vs high skilled team with an ok teamplay and sick aim who do you think would win?
I'm not gonna bother replying anymore if you can't have a serious conversation without flame to back you up. Nice one mate.
and your totally biased

i didnt watch the game but your fanboyism for japan is too much.. srsly :/
I'm arguing with true statements. So what if I am a fanboy, you got a problem with that? Don't think I'm being biased.
we had sinnu! never played with him
and cmon stop this shit about that game, nobody gives a fuck about it.
hell whined, ofc u do it sometimes if u see ur bullets going through guy hitting walls
Quotebut do you seriously think they would stand a chance in a EU server?

Isn't that pretty obvious? :D But the conditions should be even for both. So why not playing on an American server?

wp Japan!

One match gets played on a US server and suddenly, a shit-storm. Great.

Portugal played on a usa server aswell
on the lan i suppose japan /chile/australia would have competed on really high level, most likely bashing estonia or other stuff
+ the server they always play on is terrible
no need for another journal but anyways:

i honestly think that non-european teams shouldn't even play in NC
or, to express it like sol and sound less racistic:
image: img_6e4e36bcaec887dc296562092ecd1009
i do what i want!
im afraid sol is retarded and never heard of antilag...
u should google the word fairness.

wp jp. deserved win
why should i? theres no fairness in this case.
why should it be fair to play on an EU server ? EE with normal ping and .jp with highping, do u really think japan is used to such a highping ? i dont think so & btw this game should be played as a teamgame not as a " OMFG I CAN BASH MY OPPONENTS EASILY MY AIMS IS SO FUCKING GODLIKE " game...
Japan was just the better team to me, but maybe im the only one.

calm down and face the true,EE was the better team today stop making such a big deal about a loose in an enemy territory game, you should be happy that countries like brazil,japan,USA are attending.. stop making such a big deal about it while EE arent
gratz, your a fucking idiot.

its not fair for ee to play with a high ping when there not used to it.
its not fair for japan to play on a eu server because there ping would be of the scales.

but like ive said 177 timesmost teams are from europe therefore every games should be played in europe.

btw this game should be played as a teamgame not as a " OMFG I CAN BASH MY OPPONENTS EASILY MY AIMS IS SO FUCKING GODLIKE " game...

are you being fucking serious?
EE agreed to play on the USA server long before the match. Yet they actually whine about the ping after the loss, knowing they would have this problem? Clearly they are not motivated enough otherwise they would have practiced before the match. They had their warning, and whining about it after the match is not on and and completly unfair. Not talking about the whole ee team btw, just hell.
ye like i said to show "sportsmanship" they had to put themselves in a fucked up position.
Which means it was their own fault, because they had a warning and clearly did absolutely nothing about it.
about your "...practice before the match since u knew it before..."
I can't see how playing 1 week on usa server would make us or anyone better, the ping will still be shit and if u can't hit the guy on monday why would i suddenly hit them on sunday? You won't get used to aiming on the guys head and getting 0 hits while he gets hits on you
I can't see why anyone should (like to) play over 50 ping at all
Japan got used to it, so can you.
used to blank shots? good joke
blank shots, please, don't be ridiculous.
Did I miss something? Was played on US server, which means equal ping, right? Dunno whats the prblem.
the problem is that european teams arent used to play with a high ping while japan are, plus the average of the teams in nc are located in the eu therefore all games should be played in a eu server simple.
the problem with high ping occurs only when yu have 200 ping, and your enemy - 50... otherwise its fair...
yeh its fair for someone who ha splayed with 50 ping for 4 years and then going to play with 200 ping should be reasonable easy.
If Japan would play with 50 ping vs 50 ping iit would be unfair too then, because they arent used to play with low pings...
why are the used to such a highping ? they are playing on japan servers normally aswell ?

did i miss smth ? :x
do you think they pracc on a japan server? who against ? im sure there isnt another Japanese team able to compete vs this guys so when they pracc they most probably play vs usa teams or euroean team therefore USED to playing like that.
The problem is that ee show good sportsmanship if they win and if they lose they whine about it
haven't seen much whine from ee.
i got it from THElikelyLAD 's comment
stop whining, portugal was shit this year, japan plays well. That's all.
Especially this year.
its like just because polish are unhitable and laggy doesn't mean you have to become unhitable and laggy to play vs them, to show "sportsmanship"

jp = i dont care
Did you lose some money or what
You are overrating a country with a million people : ) Nothign to whine here...
i see u losst a lot of e-money. anyway Poland will bash Japan because of wiesiek
Delga on 17/02/09, 19:02:21 Del | Edit | Reply

didnt bet
bach0r on 17/02/09, 19:01:08
pointless journal
wp JP
was fair match on fair server, get over it. imo japan is good team.
why do you cry? it was fair
both aren't used to high pings, both used high pings, no one had advantage
Nationscup != Eurocup, any nation can apply and it's teams' responsibility to check the servers before the match. Estonia showed good sportmanship, they knew it'd make it harder to win the match yet they decided to do it anyway.

Now shut the fuck up.
did i say other wise? im simply stating that the only reason eee lost was because of the pings
They lost because their players couldn't be arsed to get used to the ping. If they wanted to win they would've done it, now they're just using pings as an excuse
Japan > EU , yea its hard to admit, but just cry out ant move on :/
so You are saying that 50 ping japan vs 50 ping estonia would be rape to us too? I'd like to see that game first to judge

Japan > EU It's so dumb to say it .... but if u know it's like that then ..
and 200 ping vs 200 ping is not fair conditions
50 vs 50 is fair and 200 vs 200 is not fair? I dont see the logic.
what do u expect if u go and play offi/prac:
a) having fun, good mood and normal ping while playing and you can say u gave us hell of a fight?
b) swearing, arguing and laging?
portugal lol
You don't wanna tell me japanese players are used to play with a ping of 300 ? 150 isn't lagging that hard for euros , it's your problem if you never played on such servers .
So many people are butt hurt lol. Wp jp
no, gtfo
lol seriously
gtfo twat
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