tips to make pc run faster

hello. I'm in need of tips to make the game & system performance better. Already asked my mate Google a lot, now I'm just wondering what you guys have in mind.

In game (ET) 2 months ago, I had stable 125 fps, but nowadays it goes from 125 to 10, and sometimes 0, every 3 second. And after playing 30 min, everything goes smoothly again.
And sometimes, whole game crash and I'm getting heartbeat error message.

by the way, will an install of Service pack 3 makes it faster? since it has all the service 2 updates etc?

I'm using sp2.

- I have updated drivers.
- Defragged.
- Turned off firewall & anti virus.
- Enabled pnkstrb & pnkstrba in DEP and firewall.
- Turned of unnecessary processes, and cleaned alot room in the /C: (I have 80 % free disk place)
- Running CCleaner daily.
- Googled.
- Cleaned dusk

So any tips of how I can make it better?

stuff I cant do:

- Buy more ram.
- Buy new comp.
- Get skill
- Throw PC out of window.
- Get Linux
- Quit ET.
- Kill myself
- Use the search button

(just so you dont type it ;)


(btw: for those who's commenting that I only have been registered since two hours ago, its because I forgot my pw to the main account. So had to make a new one fast. just so you don't use your strength and power to write a comment about it)

Info about pc:
AMD athlon 64 Processor 3400+
ATI radeon x1050 series
512 ram :SS
Windows XP home edition SP2
antivirusprogramme: avg
- Buy more ram.
- Buy new comp.
- Get skill
- Throw PC out of window.
- Get Linux
- Quit ET.
- Kill myself
- Use the search button
it goes faster then, how ? what will happen then? I have to install xp and everything on it again? all porn delete? bb?
yes. but you can also use wubi and play et @ linux which should solve all your problems
i like hamburgers
dont make me hungry

ME TOO!!!!!

we have so much in common!!!!!11
omg so hungry :D
Ask cuttyP, you forgot to put that on your list. Else, ask perfo.

Apart from this, I'm sorry, I can't help.
format c
my bf and me played at weekend a lot yes?! :o
u like geek relationships? :>
haha he wasnt before we met :p
boyfriend? you told me you didnt have sex so far ...
online only eh!
puuh ... you've almost frightend me ... rly
ahahhhah kA nick? ;)
hmmm gestern abend? dann war ich es :o wo auch immer^^
I love your sens of humour "Kill myself" :D

It is either PB or Coolers or RAM
buy new comp

ah, and PM cuttyP
disable unnecessary services
install ad-aware & ccleaner, and let those 2 programs your pc

edit: just saw you used ccleaner :D

go to start > run > msconfig > startup > disable all unnescaserry programs
Gratz! First useful comment.
thank you :)!, i have them more every now and then you know :D
First useful comment made by you. And then whom you mean?
you just mist a few others :(
disable programs like?

edit: done it. I disabled many startup programs i dont need.
but still fps drops :s
but is your pc faster? show me a ss btw, i dont know wich programs you have installed
Shoot yourself in the head.
I f u got the free version of avg get rid of it and use avast instead. Prolly wont help your fps but ...
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