In need of a moviemaker (uniX)

I'm searching for a moviemaker

x Sorted demos (time, vs, X kills)
x around 100 demos or more
x Alot of good frags vs all kind of high teams and players (4 years of demos)
x Can help you with the creativity part if needed

x Be fairly creative
x Have done atleast 1 movie before and got the knowledge to make a movie good (quality etc)
x Take your time, but dont be to slow...

You can only contact me through xfire... leave me a msg

ill pay 30 euros to the one who makes it (must be a known maker from before) but i will only pay 15 euros when ive seen that 1/2 of the movie is completed and the rest afterwards. For the work and trouble i think you deserv it.

Thx in advance =)
suck me
"ill pay 30 euros to the one who makes it (must be a known maker from before) but i will only pay 15 euros when ive seen that 2/4 of the movie is completed and the rest afterwards. For the work and trouble i think you deserv it."

send money to pansemuckl or i wont make movie for u
tbh nice thing that u really pay the moviemaker, its not like very much but still.
think the movie will be good :)
i'll make you one if u send me 15€now D:
ololololoo 30 euros ololoo
why 2/4 and why not 1/2?
sorry, was going to write 3/4 but changed my mind =)
Add another 0 on the end and you may find somebody interested.
never seen anybody pay a moviemaker, so i think this is a good offer... afterall its just et :)
just ET? are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?! ET IS LIFE
Maybe, you got to take into account how "good" you want this movie
between one of the best and normal? if there is such a scale
goodluck then!
that would be hmmmmmm..

med+ :D
the effort, skill, time and creativity it takes to create a "med+" movie as hex4 said by my standards would be worth a lot more than 30 euros. :P
100 eur or a 1tb hdd and we can talk :D
99% of the et movies are not payed for, be glad im paying at all
yeah, they should though. im glad you're paying, but it doesnt mean i have to agree to it :P
long time ago I heard roumors that Winghaven paid Nonix for his (1st?) movie
but I'm not sure :O

Lycka till uniX!
I don't think a moviemaker should accept any money really, but gl.
why not? moviemaker uses his pc and time to make something for a total stranger.ppl thinking everything should be done free for them coz they has kewl frags or coz i'm lazy mofo is wrong. They learn the programs whish isn't 5 minute job and ppl buy programs for it so it's very nice to offer this moviemaker something.I understand that ur buddy comes and asks u but some random guy pm's and tells make me a movie and it must be fuckin' awesome. It is kinda odd thinking, specially if you want a good movie.
Anyways gl unix, hope u find good moviemaker.
I'd take this money as investment to my pc to make my moviemaking easier for me.
begginN don't take it as flame it's just as i think of it!
Why would I take this as flame? :D But I understand what you are saying - hwoever I think your taking things a bit to serious. Moviemakers make movies for their own benefit with no intention of making money from them. Moviemaking in ET is not about money, it's about satisfaction from the end result and contributing to the community. I really doubt any moviemaker made their first movie with money in mind. You have to remember, it's a game, your using pirated software and downloaded music.
for my own benefit i could take some random demos/film flowers in front of my house also to see my skills : p
satisfaction: waiting 8 hours behind ur monitor for making 25 sec clip is no satisfaction believe me : P
I myself spent taking tga's for about 75 hours, it's 3 days in which i need that my ET is opened , u can't minimize it and i didn't have 2nd screen also so it's about 3 days to watch tv or go out or find something to do which is not related to my pc and from time to time check if that clip tga making has come to a place where i need to press cl_avidemo 0 and open new demo to start it again
I disagree completely.. infact I think this is the most i've disagreed with any post on crossfire. :)
You do it for money? Whore! :D
i wish.

i'd lay out the points that I disagree with but theres so many, it's making my head ache. maybe later. :D
it's the money that he didn't spend on cc5! : )
pm cuttyP
like that 30 euros will even be the payment for elecrticity or stuffs
How much is enough them?
no idea, but i suppose if he is still too low to be picked by decent moviemaker, that 30 euros wont help i suppose.
i dno how much lol, but cod moviemakers for example take 200 or even moar euros for a movie, and release a crap :e
Its a good offer imo, a real moviemaker makes movies because he enjoys making them and making a movie for a skilled player and recieving 30euros is just a bonus imo. Gl!
30 euros is too less imo, but still its awesome (and funny at the same time) that someone wants to pay for some pixels!
rich boy :(
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