CC6 monitors


At cc5, much to my surprise, there were CRT's available. Well, some clans got to play on them while others didnt. I dont want to start a fucking discussion about wether all LAN players should use the same setup. I think most ppl thought of it as somewhat unfair, a thing to be evaded in the future.

I'm just wondering if theres gonna be any changes next cc6 concerning the monitors. Will all teams get the option to use a CRT, will everyone use TFT or do you need to lotto yourself to a place which has a CRT waiting for you.

Just asking cause i'm considering switching to one of these widescreen TFT's just for cc6.

And heres a random link for the frogs.

it was funny how we had to play on the crts when we didnt want and when i asked United Kingdom Adacore for an LCD he said its not possible to get one there.
Some hours later or the day after i dont remember i saw H2K playing there and Germany snoop did get an LCD monitor on the CRTs places.

Gotta love that attitude !

"the boy over there has candy!"
i pay money for that shit then i should be threaten like everybody else who paid u fucking moron
come on...
is it that important!? u get used to a different screen in 2 hours.

stick the flame in your ass
its not only about the monitors and about my case.
there were people who spent a lot of money and time to get there and they should be threaten as everybody else who paid no matter how popular or skilled they are.
try not being a cock and more popular!
punch him next time :D
Why make a journal instead of pming the admins?
hähä, thats your answer
he needs a lot of attention
he just made up this serious journal to show us that catchy song.
Schlitzohr. :o
keep up da fucking language rule!1
To make it public? Try to think things through next time even if it will take you an hour or two.
Hey slajdan 'sup? To make what public? That he is planning to use the widescreen TFTs? The main point of this journal is a question which would be easily answered by an admin in charge.
maybe other ppl are also interested in the same thing :O
If there is a big problem in a school you take it to the newspaper rather than the principal, it's logical if you think about it.
you must be a total nolife wasting ur life writing such bs comments. hope you enjoyed it! Thank god all the retard comments came from ppl who didnt attend a single LAN and dont have a fucking clue about how things go.

Hi, I'm butchji!
pc's of both opponents needs to be equal imo, tho i HATE THE tft colors tehre @ enschede :( so they should fix 12 crt's or only tft, like last time was indeed like the past 4 lans;D
Why not let people use their own monitors if they want to. Sorted
cause there were only 6 crts
Ye idd, some could use the exercise :D
hax in there n stuff ya no
yes they store them inside theyre crt's
its not like you will be shooting hs at lan!
Quotewill everyone use TFT or do you just need lotto to be offered places which have a CRT waiting for you.

no you need to befriend the admins
Such is life ~/
life is unfair
its just a placebo effect :((
We have yet to discuss this, but all information about cc6 will be posted shortly.
There's nothing to discuss about. Throw away those few CRTs and let everyone play on the LCDs.
I would assume it will be all LCD, just I don't want to make statements before I know 100% that's all.
yeah we saw that it would be an issue right away, the problem is that we had to have those CRTs to have enough machines running to stay on schedule as wzzrd didnt have any more TFTs to use..

i don't think toss has made a profit from any of the events so far and pumping money into extra hardware for partner to own / store would be an odd choice :/
Simply allow less teams then. Everyone should play under the same conditions. This is actually one of the reasons LANs are hosted.
please, if ET needs something its allowing lesser skilled teams to play at LAN. This is what keeps the scene alive. Brings new players into the scene etc.
Then we have to deal with the whine I guess :-)

There won't be any fair solution for that. Allowing to switch monitors will just delay the whole thing even more.
The only solution I could think of is giving each row the same amount of CRTs, if it's actually needed on the next LAN. It shouldn't be allowed to switch them around then though.
the first time i knew anything about there being crt's was when i was dusting the things off and carrying them over there :X
crts for h2k, the rest can fuck off
Égalité for everyone. Just use one sort of monitor.
Lets play on laptops next time !
Me and overdrive want a CRT !!!
There's nothing to discuss about. Throw away those LCDs and let everyone play on CRTs.
I would like to know where the fuck is my money again...
u had a manager again ?
gtfo with those widescreen crap lcd's and get real monitors -.-
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