FPS journal 2

What the fuck is Linux? How does it affects gaming/ET? Does anyone have a specific explanation on that? I just cant be arsed asking my mate Google.. -_- But I chose you !! =D isnt that great??

This guy wrote to me: Install Wubi and play ET on Linux, and your problems will be solved.
does this really work?

"Problems": FPS drops every 2-3 seconds when I first connected to a server. If I dont get those lagspikes in the beginning. I will get a HUUUUUUUGE fps drop after 2 minutes. From 125 fps to under 5. This takes around 20 seconds till its over. And sometimes, the drop is so fucking big that Im getting kicked for heartbeats and corrupted memory vista shit, even my O/S is XP. What the fuck?

Conclution of problem: Normal FPS - 125. But it drops to 5, every 2nd or 3rd second. After playing 2-3 min, im getting huge fps drop that will cause fucking madness in my house/room.


Back to Linux:
So this guy told me Linux would solve my problems, and I could get it by installing "Wubi" (some polish shit?)

Will ET runned on Linux fix the FPS drops? And boost my system performance?

Ok fenks
Man "brutalman" Brutal
2 much 2 read, i hope someone's going to help ya !
Thanks for so fast feedback man! Im really thankful, and I hope your li.. nvm, to much to write :D
NP, i was born to be fast :$
to much to read
linux is an o/s like windows
usualy linux users are freaks, but some are sane
"usualy linux users are freaks, but some are sane" W h a t t h e f u c k?
Fenks sir.
With ET on Linux. Can I still playing on normal servers? Or do I need to join servers made for linux only?
you can play on all servers. it can be a pain to get et working but thats the price you pay 4 stable fps.
if all fails just do the best thing you can in windows FORMAT.
pain to get et working?? :( Do u have it, maybe you can help me through ? <3 :)

what can happen if it all fails? PC crash, blue screen etc?

Why does Linux gives so much fps?
i mean installing if you never used linux can be hard and getting sound to work(not rly but some ppl never heard of google), the link i gave you should help. You get more stable fps + there is no pb lag.
Thanks dude!
But you never answered my question, are you using it to? :)
Reveal your specs and cfg, ET can run fine on windows, there´s really no need to install linux for ET only.
What anitvirus/fw do you use? mcafee? and give computer specs. what kind of internet do you have? how hot is your computer/videocard?

generally Linux WILL give you better FPS than windows. but if you dont know that Linux is an OS I dont recommend even trying to use it. better too fix you windows.
Im using AVG anti virus, I have it off everytime I play ET.
I have enabled ET, pnkbstrB & pnkstrbA in my firewall.
I have a ATI Radeon card, x1050 series.
O/S: Windows XP home edition.
512 RAM.
today I cleaned my computer outside & inside (the fan). And I also cooled it with window open :DDDD So it makes less more noise now.
I have used this computer 4 years now or something, and I have updated driver.

hehe, of course I know what Linux is. But I just need more information about it, on how it affects the gaming. Whats the positive, negative. Cause Im really, really sick of these FPS drops... getting fuckin nuts, and im fuckin desperate on getting it fixed. I will do everything lol, even an install of linux! :D

stuff i have done:
- I have updated drivers.
- Defragged.
- Turned off firewall & anti virus.
- Enabled pnkstrb & pnkstrba in DEP and firewall.
- Turned of unnecessary processes, and cleaned alot room in the /C: (I have 80 % free disk place)
- Running CCleaner daily.
- Googled.
- Cleaned dusk.

tell me if you need more info :/
Disabled catalyst A.I yet?
I have it off yes.
You sure you don't have any mal- or spyware? What kind of CPU do you have?
I have Spybot S&D.
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 processor 3400+ 512 mb ram
Triple buffering? settings is on by default.
CPU? RAM of your GFX-Card?
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 processor 3400+ 512 mb ram
Should handle it ok. RAM might be a problem (swapping). Your et-config?
What ATI drives do you use?
norwegian shit gtfo
says mr.polak.

go build a house.
got one already.
ok man nice cheers halleluja
you won't have much fun with ati+linux :(
how come tell me?
ati linux drivers are pretty shit
how can i change this theN? :/
dunno maybe they are better now :p
They are. Well, at least I heard so.
Historically the nVIDIA drivers has been better. But after the AMD/ATI fusion interesting stuff has been happening. AMD is way more linux-friendly than ATI was, and they keep publishing the card details so good opensource drivers can be made. Haven't followed the process much, as I have a nVIDIA card, but interesting stuff is going on.
Right, had many troubles setting up nvidia drivers with linux, ATI/AMD linux drivers are way more user friendly nowadays.
Why didn't you ask me yesterday? :P
"Wubi" is a lazy-ass way to install Ubuntu without having to repartition your harddrive, and thus minimizing the risk of data loss.. Quite clever actually.

Gaming on Linux is awesome as long as the game you're playing is supported, which of course ET is. The immediate huge advantage is that since PB is not given privilegies to scan your whole system, it won't and thus saves all that PB lag. It also generally has a better process stack and manages the system resources better, so more of your computers power get put into ET instead of all other random processes.
You won't be needing antivirus, which is also a resource hog on Windows.

As with everything, there's drawbacks. The immediate biggest one being that it's different. Your habits from Windows won't work, you'll have to learn everything over again. When you're used to it though, you'll love it.

There's also the lack of compatibility with your favourite Windows applications. You can argue that there are good open source replacements, and personally I've been using linux only for the past 4 or so years. But still, that's annoying.
That's the beauty of wubi though, it makes dualbooting very simple.

Good luck!
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