Street Fighter 4 :(

I've been waiting 3 days now for it to be ripped and uploaded , what the fuck is taking so long . It's been out in belgium for 2 days now :(

after some research : Due for release on 26/06/2009

fucking assholes
For what platform? The xbox360 rip is already going around, and if your planning on just pirating it for the PC your just going to have to wait afew more months till its actually released for the pc. Capcom have a tendancy to milk as much out of the console games untill they release their PC versions, probably want to get the most for their work so people wont just pirate it...
yeah like with re 4 i was lucky to have a gc and a ps2 but now -.- i have to wait for re5 pc version
Yeah I can only find XBOX360 version :' (
write a complaint letter to capcom
been playing it today... IT RULEZ!!!
Lol been playing it for 2 days now :P
erm.... buy it!
fucking pirates!

image: pirate
as breezy said, buy it, isn't the game about playing online too?
you can play online with cracked version..
with hamachi? or they forgot to add some protection?
i mean on consoles , sorry
in before wakizashis shitstorm
torrent link plz
nvm fucking consoles -.-
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