How To Give A Cat A Bath

i just put my cat into big bucket , and it worked.
you has a big bucket? :O
well bucket , or "kauss" in estonian , dunno how its in english :P , bowl maybe
ye ye, but is it a BIG one?
quite big yea.
hmmm serious...
giving cat a bath is stupid :X cats are one of the most clean animals... prolly because they lick their fur few times per day...

this vid was made only so she could show her underwear
i didnt learn anything
no wai man? really??
exactly my thoughts :D
just because they lick themselfs doesn't make them clean :\
have you ever touched cat's tongue? its like a scrubbing brush... it cleans perfectly!
you're talking about that cat, not this blond bitch?
that was fucking wank.
what an ugly pussy
a wet hairy pussy.
nice cat
if you're really 20 and this get's you exited I feel sorry for you
i would give anyone 100€ who d manage to get my cat into whater =D
my cat getting crazy as soon as he is in the bathroom and i wanna pick him up.. he runs awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy...... he would never take a bath.
The cat has just been up the chimney,cos he can hear magpies on the roof,black & white cat = black cat now,wont clean himself and giving me WTF u looking at glances.
when a cat senses it's gonna get wet, it activates beast mode
image: unhappy_cat don't ask why
not even good looking girl.. ugly bitch with shit skin and freaking stupid looking hair

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