need help with .bat file :O


well i have a problem...
just wanted to make a .bat-file for ET, that it uses my second CPU-core...

and hell yeah, it runs rly good, when i use only the second core...
the problem is, that i don't want to change this @ task-manager

my idea... => writing a small .bat file , like this:
...just know how to run it with high priority
Quote@Echo off
cd/d "F:\Games\ET
start/high ET.exe +set fs_game ETpro

but... i don't need high priority (doesn't imrpove anything...or killing the pb lags...@my computer)
i just need the command(s) for using the second core

(thx in advance)

found it and it works ;)

Quote@Echo off
start/affinity 2 ET.exe +set fs_game ETpro

thx to duumed for this hint
ET reverts back to core1 after mapchange / round restart anyways, and i think there's no command for that. there are a few programs though. i just set it manually when i'm dead or something.
Why don't you use a program to do it instead?:) Isn't it more simple?

You can check mine out, it's definetely not resource-intensive or stuff ;)
google for TaskAssignmentManager.
thx ;)

testing right now

E: but not what i'm looking for, because i don't want any other progs running, if its possible to set this up @ batch file, but anyway thank you sir
google IT

BTW: hi²u mr uLtra, back in ET or still playing cod4 with noosy?
ask this guy:
image: bat-dog
haha pls stop it, this is sooooo fucking funny, rly i m laughing my ass off
but he knows everything about .bat stuff!
just set et to a certain core via imagecfg, ask abort!
start /affinity 1 et.exe

to use only one core

thx sir

Quote@Echo off
cd/d "F:\Spiele\Enemy Territory
start/affinity 2 ET.exe +set fs_game ETpro

works fine ;)
Et reverts back to 1st core whenever a map changes, I wrote myself a simple exe to fix it, can share it if you want to. (it just checks et's affinity every 5 seconds).
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