i hate alcohol!"

well probably im drun as fuck, i ahd a so called "alzwiberfasching" and im drunk as fuck, and i even smoked...if the trainer would know it .. i'd get killed on aidsfire imo.

well what do you think about alcohool?n stufff.
best thing ever invented tbh. every single day my flatmates say im never drinking again and their straight on it raving the next day. gives u courage and gets the girls going in clubs what more can u ask for in a substance.
Only one thing you could ask for; not for it to make you feel like shit the next day and be getting sick in the customers toilets when your at work every 5 minutes....haha
hahahah +1. u learn at uni that its alot more worth ur while drinking to get slightly drunk and rave the night away than drinking loads. u get the balance right u have an amazing night and feel nothing the next day. something ive learned to do and its fucking amazing. and wel lets just say that some people dont have the same ability to do this as me. thers a list on the front door of this building that sais damaged:

flat B vomit
flat B vomit
flat C vomit

etc.. xDDD
Haha Im still only in school, probably doing the equivalent of the A levels at the minute in my last year and I went down to stay with my mate down at his college and basically all we did was get up at 12 drink drink drink - watch the show that evening (prison break/ dhw / lost whatever) eat a pizza and drink drink drink and go to a nightclub for a whole week. Every night we would go trash these girls apartment just take everything out of their fridge and put it on the floor, boy did they get us back good on the last night fire extinguisher everywhere coffee everywhere jars of sweet and sour and what not it was unreal haha
yup now imagine that day after day , week after week , month after month. what makes the night is if u get a girl at the end of it.

when u go to university ur first week their called 'freshers week' will be the best week of ur life. depending on what uni u go to. party uni or clever uni :p
The novelty factor will wear off trust me...
it will wear off when i run out of money woop. but i bin here 6 months already :p
What university are you at? From my own experience: once you are into your second and third year, you tend to tire of the whole going out night after night. Guess it depends where you are, though.
Yeye I know freshers week went out afew nights in the college near me :P
pwns the shit
u r weak shit -,-
Alcohol is amazing, lil too expensive though, spent over £100 on it this week! :'[
why its B E A UTIFUL being a student. all drinks are between £1-3 everywhere.
£7 a drink last night, 7....! Fuck my lfe!
ha. god i love my life, not jsut the alcohol prices, student clubs are so much better than normal clubs. fit bird after fit bird walking around. can honestly say that on the school dress up nights at oceana it is literaly like american pie beta house in there.
Student girls = sluts. Fact.
Not a chance I could go to college with a girlfriend haha
getting a girlfriend in the first year of university is impossible, and hell why would u want 1 haha. imagine the best looking girls at your previous school before university and like 75 % of the girls u see in clubs look like them. ur gf would probably dump u so fast u wont even know whats going on.

random google picture. i live with 10 people in my flat 5

every girl in my flat looks better than them. let alone the girls u go out clubbing with aswell
Rofl I should hope they look better than those girls. Yea and the clubs are full as fuck monday to saturday
lol it was just the first picture i came across on images but just the general impression im trying to give u is that girls are fit here haha
Before or AFTER you drink? XD
haha :). most of them before
im a student as well, just wasnt a student night!
They cost 9-10£ here in Sweden so stop whine (= a beer is 4-5£.
I spend on average 100 euro a night, insane I know and seriously only buying drinks for myself, @ pub or late bar its 5 euro a drink and Im usually going for a shot + pint each time, not even funny, but suppose im paying 10 euro for taxi some nights or 10 euro for food and such but still...

EDIT; meant to reply to mayni :(
lay out my averge spending a night. £1 for a taxi cause im sharing with 4 others, £1 for a taxi back sharing with 4 others. £3 entry fee to club £1.50 a drink in the club. ive already done drinking games round m8s flat for a few hours , pre drinking costs me say £4. so its about £15 a night. but often its about £20 cause buying girls drinks
Ya pre drinking seems to be a big thing but when I was there I had to drink at the student bar because my friends had classes so I was spending a good bit of money there even though it is cheap...
student life dosnt start til like 11 pm. start pre drinking about 9 with about 10 others or so. big reason why u pre drink is because its SO FUCKING COLD OUTSIDE its unbelievable ha. u walk to the club wearing a shirt and u will freeze to death without some form of alcohol blanket
Indeed but in this compound was like 150 appartments and like a party on every floor, complex was within walking distance of every nightclub even to stagger home it takes like 10 minutes so was pretty cool just walk into random appartment and drink :D
exactly the same as me :))). my building consits of 327 students XDDDDD. biggest student building at the uni.
:D 1€ beer / 2.5(or 3€) "white drink" (vodka n stuff) here at Portugal (at university night parties)
lot better stuff out there
Fristi, mainly.
Hehe fristi is so nice like it :P
I don't hate it, I hate when theres no more alcohol :D
Nice stuff to drink, nothing really special or whatever.
I don't really need it... but I guess I'm just too old for it now :P I never really found out what draws people to something that makes idiots out of them.
Basically I drink nothing but beer at parties.
QuoteI never really found out what draws people to something that makes idiots out of them.

says the guy who plays ET over years 5 evenings/week!!!!!11!!!1"!
Quote I never really found out what draws people to something that makes idiots out of them.

says the guy who plays ET over years 5 evenings/week!!!!!11!!!1"!

says the guy who listens to Hardcore!!!!einselfdrölf!!!
I never denied I like to make an idiot out of myself!
i can imagine you at parties, you're the soul of the party, eh? :DDD
I am a party god, because while everyone around me is drunk, I can tell them all my not so funny stories. And guess what: they laugh their asses off
have u ever considered that they're drunk while you're telling the jokes? :D
no on the seventh day he rested cause it was Shabat and god is jew, learn some bible.
learn me the bible.
alc is good i need some for my teeth cause it hurts ://

smoking a joint > drinking alcohol imo
if you desperately want to take drugs - smoke weed. gives you no headache and most likely won't make you puke and you still look like an idiot!
i love alcohol <333 Beer is just fucking amazing ! I don't liek the taste of vodka, but i drink it too, and many drinks are just great.
i hate hangovers, like this one right now :(
the trick is not to drink too much (and too often maybe)
i usually hate alcohol the NEXT day....not in the middle of the night
but then again after some drinks...i still love it :D
well my headache today isnt that hard ://

BUT sometimes i hate alcohol in the middle of night also, especially when you try to put a chair from one position to another ... it looked like i wanna sleep on this chair :'DD
i dont drink alcohol :>
man do you even know what you're missing? :7)
i dont miss a shit, u can have fun without getting drunk. The biggest reason why people drink is that they have low self confidence. Without the alocohol they are 2scared to talk with girls etc etc, but with alcohol they dare to go the girls but then most of the time they are just making fools of themselves.

well i drink sometimes, 2-5 times every year, but i never go so far so i dont understand what i do.
didn't mean to offend you anyway.
also from your point of view as an athlete it's better not to drink.
no i did not take it that way :p maybe sound like that.
and yeah after u have been drinking one night, u cant train in 2-3 days cuz of alcohol in blood, wich destroys the mucsles if u are training.
yeah i know what you mean, i've once gone to gym while having a hangover :D you're muscles are working like 40% and you can't do shit
what sport do u do? sucks to be u that u cant drink some m8s back at college had the same problem, being very good at sport means u cant drink :)
im playing football.
2 trainings a day 5-6 times a week. i have 1 whole rest day ofc every week.
so gym in morning, and football at evening

you're perhaps the one who beats every1 up instead of drinking :p
I don't think so.
He would probably cry because he would have lost a nail.
tbh every drug is interesting as long you handle it responsible, don´t take it too often and don´t overdose yourself.
i fuckin love alcohol
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