New pc incomming!

Omg i could kill these noobs.
Still waiting on case and mobo ffs, just called them it will arrive in ~ 2 weeks at my home.
Wtf pls.
I already received the other parts and they look quite awesome.

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition, 4x 3.00GHz
GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD 4850, 1024MB DDR3
RAM: Kingston 4gb DDR2, 1066 Mhz, CL5
MOBO: MSI K9A2 Platinum, 790FX (dual PC2-8500U DDR2)
HDD: Samsung HD502IJ, F1, 7200rpm, 16MB, 500GB, SATA-II
PSU: Enermax PRO82+ 525W ATX 2.2
CASE: Lancool K7

I also need a good tutorial on how to build a pc, i know how to basically do it, but I want to be 100% sure what iam doing cause i dont want to fuck anything up!
And i have another question: If i want to make a hd image of my current hd and put it on the new hd, how can i do that without having an OS installed on the new hd? is it even possible?
Not bad. How much?
nice pc =)

I also need a good tutorial on how to build a pc u will build it urself? i sense fail incoming :/
yes ofc i will build it myself, i did it already at age of 14 with my old pc, its not that hard to do it. I just want to be sure that i dont fuck anything up. (electric stuff etc)
oh ok if u have done it already then np :) hardware have change quite alot in 5 years tbh ;)
dont forget to wear an esd wristband!
image: disimage.php?id=10005982&img=image

i feel like such a nerd using this all the time
saves breaking something :)
yeah! but still lol makes me flel like PC NERD DOCTAH MICAH

"they're finish before we even started"
Lol ill never forget that
lol m8 hehehe
where to get that shit lol :D
idk? any CH electronic store?:O
iam working at electronic store and we dont have that :D
if electronic stores in your country dont sell anti static wristbands then i wouldnt know either:O ebay?
image: RF181324-01
this is more comfortable :)
what o/s u will have in this new pc?
windows xp ofc, i need to install it first though, dident order it.
better get 64 bit then, since u got 4gb of ram :)
are there any significant differences to the normal xp? i mean is it worth to get that?
32 bit xp supports only like 2-3gb ram, 64 supports 4. so if u dont wanna buy waste ram i suggest you buy 64 edition.
i wont buy anything from microsoft, but i will get it!
back to playing awesome mixes with ABONPTMW!!!!!
yeah i will play 24/7 in the first weeks i think
Parent <-------- hope the link works, (scrol down to: Data Migration)
used it myself a couple of weeks ago for cloning my original drive onto a new one, pm me if you need any help with it and yes, its FREE :)
PC Build Guide 2006 by HarwareGeeks
How To: Bulding a PC by XLostSpartanX
How to build a PC by dikkeman
Take some random imagetool, acronis trueimage or powerquest driveimage. Then create a boot medium.

Transferring the image is usually possible, you just have to uninstall your current IDE-drivers and install the standard ones (before creating the image!), else you will will get prolly a bluescreen.
Can be done with this batchfile:

But it´s better to do a fresh install tbh.
i dont have a windows disk, thats the problem.
You have two weeks to get one :o
mmh is it np with the activation shizzle etc (if i dl it)?
Dunno since I have an original version, but should be np to find a version that needs no activation and stuff. You have two weeks to google it :)
shouldn't have any prob with the activation shit ifyou download
get tiny xp 64 :'=)
faster than normal xp with a working autoregistration :P
giev ddl link pls, cant find a non torrent dl link :(
MSI? :x
how much did it cost?
You haven't paid much attention to the current price/GB ratio. Why take a 500gig drive with 16mb cache where you can get a 1TB drive with 32mb cache that has a better price/GB ratio and a little better performance.

As for the CPU I would've gone for an intel i7 platform because it simply performs a lot better than the AMD Phenom's
i7 doesnt perform a lot better than amd phenom, it show identical performance (and im talking about the new X4 ones)
the x3 720 beats i7 but its an weird cpu :x

i7 just dont worth the damn money you spend...
lol u dont have an slightest idea what your talking about :D
are you saying i7 > new AMD Phenom II X4 in gaming? bullshit.
And it costs like 12389478€ too much.
Yes I am saying that. Read some reviews and CPU roundup's that include phenom's and i7's
image: phenom2
enough food? ;)
DDR3 memory's are going cheaper, but that won't stop from i7 to be a big hungry wallet rig
What's your point? Those graphs show that an i7 is faster. Besides that the only stats you are showing is gaming statistics. You should post the other benchmarks as well. For instance, where are the DhryStone, Zlib, Mandel FPU etc tests? Care to post those as well? A CPU has more to do than just gaming and the price difference isn't that huge. Intel Core i7 920 costs about €260,30 and an AMD Phenom II x4 940 costs around €205,25

But if you want to compare 3d Benchmarking, lets take the results of the 3Dmark Vantage CPU score because then you are being fair to the CPU by testing it purely based on CPU power.

image: 3dmarkvantagemp1

I'd take an i7 over a Phenom imo.
now you completely got something wrong here, both CPU's might cost the same, but motherboard + memory costs much, MUCH more, the rig will cost you over 300euros more! price IS huge, and is an decisive factor...

reviews i showed you clearly shows the X4 either beats it, or loses 1-2 fps. basically what you are saying is to waste 300-400 euros more for 1-2 more fps, right

3dmark vantage says BARELY about it's performance, it's more of an compression and show off
The AMD's only beat the i7 on high resolutions. I'm not sure as to why but that isn't even the point im trying to make. The point is that you are only posting FPS benchmarks and that's not all a CPU is about.
the lower the resolution, the more the CPU plays an hard job in performance, the higher the resolution, the more the GFX comes to picture
i just wanted to add that with the 300 euros left after building an AMD rig, you can waste on an much better GFX and beat the hell out of an i7 rig ^^
dont get me wrong, im an huge intel / i7 fan, and i hate amd, i7 obviously takes AMD, but with prices you can clearly see an AMD rig can have better results if it's about price

when DDR3 & x58 chipsets components will go down then you can really recommand it for everyone, unless the AM3 CPUS by AMD at summer will be an huge revolution ;)
You can get an X58 based motherboard for about 180 and 4gb of PC3-10600 ddr3 memory is about 60 euro's, where 4 gigs of ddr2 costs about 40. So add to that the 55 extra of the CPU and the overhead of about 80 euro's extra on a motherboard, you pay about 155 euro's more for an i7 rig, so 300 more is an exaggeration.

I'd be willing to pay 155 more for a rig that outperforms the phenoms massively in other tasks than gaming.

But anyway, why are we even discussing this if the guy doesn't even want to spend an extra 30 euro's to have a 32mb cached 1TB drive instead of a 16mb cached 500GB drive ;)
too bad DDR3 memorys only is what x58 chipsets supports, and it's range is between 3gb and 6gb ( 3x what ddr2 costs for 3gb, 4-5x for 6gb)
im just sorry to blow your bubble, m8
stop exaggerating so much, it's not three times as much as ddr2

4gb of PC3-10600 ddr3 memory costs about 60 euro's
4gb of ddr2 costs about 40 euro's
only triple channle memorys works for x58 LGA 1366 chipsets, which means it is 3x price
6GB triple channel = € 106,95
hey, buy core i7, me and every other human will laugh at you at summer
i dont give a fuck about the hd, i already have 1tb external....
Samsung Spinpoint F1 DT HD103UJ, 1TB costs € 78,85 (ratio = 0.07885 per GB)
Samsung EcoGreen F2 HD502HI, 500GB = € 48,80 (ratio = 0.0976 per GB)

Given the fact that the extra 16mb cache and higher density results in better performance, I would surely have gone for the 1TB spinpoint.
w00t maybe you'll be able to use vent now :D
i always used vent wtf mate :D
<3 X4 940 Black Edition
Why take the 4850 GDDR3

When the 4870 is only 20€ expensive but still much better

Great choice on sapphire though
4870 is like 200 chf more expansive here in switzerland or at least at the supplier where i got the stuff from, no idea why, so i went for the 4850. Its still high end :D
whats the website of your supplier? The shop where i work gets his stuff from there so i get it alot cheaper. otherwise it would be a quite shitty shop tbh.
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