how was ur night?

mine was ok nice carnaval intro and scored a alabama chick :D
all is dead atm me thinks!! :D i'm going bed ciao :p
Not bad, spent time with the family, drank a little bit and got to meet my new little cousin. His dad is only 20 =/.
My friday night will start in about two hours, going to be fun hopefully
i went to play badminton last night olololol

but now ive injured me knee (LCL) i think

no game for 2 weeks so time to recover hopefully :D
If i see your profile picture i need have too laugh your really a English man lol:p
i dont understand whats funny ?
too much of all it seems.. but not bad
Back from club @ 2am, went sleep instantly^^
Polak clubs also nice
i was goint to the pub, with mates, but everything were full, so we went to flat of my newly meet friend... She was very kind so we had the opportunity to get stone drunk and smoke water pipe...

Well it was nice friday i guess
wish i could remember my frined
had a migraine, head was thumping all night.
Went out for a drink with a good friend of mine, was fun. Came home somewhat drunk and stoned and went on to harass my teammates on IRC before I went to sleep!
And pictures Henk, otherwise I dont believe you :<
i'm kinda "aangeschoten" again, i came in at like 5ish yesterday, was back at the pub 12ish today, now i'm back home, gonna eat soon and then go out again tonight :D trying to take it easy tonight though cuz i have 2 be present at a mates tomorrow at 10 in the morning for the parade in our town :D:D:D

btw i don't know where i left my digi-cam but i'll take a couple of photos if i can find it, Yesterday i had this red suit on (looked a bit like some mage or something but the colors are really cool) today i'm going as a frog :p tomorrow i dunno yet i have just too many carnaval suits :p
1. I also want pics of the ladies obviously :D
2. Invite me for carnival next year! :D
1. Yeah i seen some hot ones yesterday but if i take my camara i will surely lose it man so that's not a really good idea i think :p

2. Nps just come over you can stay at mi casa :p
Sounds like a plan, now I got to get back to work, moving out of my parental house, got my own room @ Groningen :D!
niiiice :) i need my own space aswell man getting fed up living here :p
was cool
party and stuff hihi
read some school shit and watched fear & loathing in las vegas
great movie :p
cant remember a thing.
hope you didn't make a fool out off urself too much :D
nah, :P i remember pretty much everything, it was a funny night with The party animals ^^.

sunday i am going to party again for a few days i think, i hope i dont have such a headache as now :<
reallly stoned :_)
I'm not going to smoke weed today i decided (at least not this afternoon) cuz i can't drink well anymore when i'm stoned like hell :p (or i have to use cheats but i wasn't planning on that either)
yea agree smoking weed first then drinking is just insta fail. i then stand 1 hour with a beer and not drinking:P drinking first then weed is ok
hehe yeah exactly :p
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