
can we either ban auto-push scripts or disable shoving?

this is way more stupid than 180 scripts and trickjump scripts yet receives no attention at all

also someone write a column or some shit so this gets more attention, also who t

Agreed, ill give you my full support on this one
(17:19:12) (@pruffo) i want b_shove 0
(17:19:15) (@pruffo) fucking push scripts

wp Meez.
16:18:14 @pruffo WHEN FUCKING EVER
16:18:17 @pruffo he pushes me
16:18:18 @pruffo and kills me
16:18:20 @pruffo he is like
16:18:28 @pruffo SO LOW SKILLED


and gv can remove those +attack ; shovecmd 1

those b_shove 1 auto push players?
removing wait is taking it a bit too far
ye but it would remove 1/2 of the scripts (tj & 180 or smth)
and what about my ascii art spams

think of the art man

but srsly i can tell GV to kick anyone with the line "+attack ; +activate" or -attack - activate
Point is, you can actually bind this shit to every movement key. :D
ye but if you:

bind w "+forward ; +activate" it will only count as one push or will it work like the +attack - attack button/
No clue, I don't use it. I do think some people use binds like that, some don't
that would be much more annoying to teammates than enemies
if you're always close to your enemies, yes, if you always rambo on alone, i dont think so :d
Think it's useful.
whats auto-push script? :D
u mean someone pushes u in a duel or what
who pushes in a duel xD
bind mouse1 "+attack; wait 1; +activate"

something like that, fucking annoying anyways
what does it?
pushes opponent when he gets too close (most effective during pistolfights), works really distracting and gives massive spread and therefore means you'll lose the firefight unfairly most of the time :(
autopush scripts? wtf
people have +activate on their attack or some shit which means if they are ever in your vicinity they push you automatically, this is most annoying in close firefights, as when you get pushed the spread is INSANE and you've pretty much lost the fight
So you mean something like:

bind Mouse1 "+attack;+activate"

I think that is how it is done, can't remember exactly though. Either way it is retarded.
more like
seta pushing "+attack; +activate"
seta nopushing "-attack; -activate"
bind mouse1 "+vstr pushing nopushing"

something along those lines, fix the mistake yourself.
Nah, I dont need those script, only lamers use them :E
gv can kick ppl using that script, but it wont stop all the push scripts, just make it a bit better
What happens when you want to use the tank ? you cant stay there then, right?
ye just tested it, you will get out of the tank lol
lol i dont even see point in using this script, going with engi infront of u and u will automatic push him in enemy fire.
Insta fail!
you will fuck his aim up believe me :/
ye i know, anyway didnt even knew this script is out and that ppl using it, since i dont see really much usefull stuffs in it. Would be good if would exist that kind of program which would block all that kind of scripts.
thats so fucking retarded
alright, first time I hear about it, sounds seriously retarded, must be funny when they're healing someone or giving him ammo from close vicinity

anyway, rather find a way to eliminate the script instead of disabling shoving

edit: how can you be sure it's a script and not a guy pressing f frantically
They wont be shooting at the ammo/health dealer tho.. ;)
they still need to press the same button to give out ammo or health
the mouse1 script is not a problem tbh, it causes lots of problems as in medpacks, ammo, tank and other stuff we can disable it in the gv scripts

the problem is when somoene binds this shit to every movement key.
bind 3 "weaponbank 3;bind mouse1 +vstr pushatk1 pushatk2"
bind 6 "weaponbank 6;bind mouse1 +attack"
we can remove the script part(bind mouse1 +vstr pushatk1 pushatk2") but not the bind part :p
bind 3 "weaponbank 3;bind mouse1 +vstr pushatk1 pushatk2"
bind 6 "weaponbank 6;bind mouse1 +attack"
right, forgot they'd think it through

check the edit though
some people (wont name names in public) are pushing in almost every firefight, it just isn't natural at all

pushing 'through' things you wouldn't expect to push through etc

this isn't a one off game where I thought I got pushed too much or something, it comes from game after game against specific individuals
bitch plz i cant help it the tank spawns me trough the wall :'(
gv has a list of all the scripts a guy uses

from the arty script all the way to 180/tj ect

so i guess pbbans can see it too, but i doubt they will kick ppl for it, thats the advantage of gv
thx for the info, will have to add it :3
wtf? atutopush script? it isnt that hard to press "f activate" when the enemy is infront of u!? -.-
Is it that hard to make a 180° turn yourself?
nope. dont u have 2 eyes?!
I have eyes, what´s wrong? Just wanted to encourage your statement referred to the 180° scripts :/
well... no not at all

ask autopush script users not me
what did I ask about?

I always use "push" when i am near an enemy! didnt even know that there was a script. almost the same to use script or not. ?! or ?
no, as pressing the button won't be as effective. might not even work at the same time well.
Remove +attack is easier!
lol like its useful.

srsly man learn how to lose, and stop changin the game.
Throwing off someone's aim by giving him a push thus making him lose the firefight is in no way useful, agree.
u can do the same. O.o waw
if everyone is using autopush scripts then it just comes down to luck...

whats the point, it adds nothing to the game except even more lotto
dont get so close :P only place i've found it really effects the game is SD flagcap
Stupidest comment ever.
Quotethis is most annoying in close firefights, as when you get pushed the spread is INSANE and you've pretty much lost the fight

Changing the game? What are you talking about? These scripts are changing the game.
if game allow me to do it, I can script it, so blockin this script is changing game.

From other hand this scrip has bad sides like if you tryin to heal ur teammate u can push him into enemy fire or smth.

get skeel instead of whining here
game allows me to throw grenades through walls but if I did it in a war the opponent would get a forfeit

terrible argument
lol game doesnt allow you to do it:o?

ban arty scripts and class scripts also since these ones are changing the game.
considering a class script is built into etpro, no

arty scripts, there is an argument there just like trickjump scripts

these push scripts have become popular only in the last month or so, the things you mention have been around for 5 years
lololo sorry sir but youre wrong.

so if someone will discover these scripts earlier everything would be ok? or I dont get your point.
ban wait cmd = bb scripts
in this case not, no wait cmd needed
disabling double binds in any way could operate.
n1 "kill; forcetapout" ??
Could be solved if "kill" would always tapout (would make sense anyway) and if it was implemented in Antipro that way e.g.
point is it would also ban usefull binds. But maybe it's the only way to solve it :<
Can't say all the scripts bother me tho, haven't encountered an auto shove script before. Then again, i havne't played ET actively for some months xD
bind pgdn "toggleconsole;wait 150;clear;guids;wait 250;condump guiddump.txt;toggleconsole"

good solution to ban wait-cmd!
who need such a shit.. srsly.. :D

/condump lalala.txt

np :P
set guidit "echo ^n[^7Taking Guids^n];clear;guids;echo ^n[^725%^n];wait 30;echo ^n[^750%^n];wait 30;echo ^n[^775%^n];wait 15;echo ^n[^7100%^n];wait 15; condump salee.vgg"
set guidit2 "guids; players"
set guidit3 "condump guids.vgg"

why do u have the console commands for?
good question actually.
what is a vgg file anyway?
vittu good game. just some random filename I came up with, set it to always open with opera, gives good formatting and I can just click open after that.
Scripts are for lazy cunts, be a real man and push more than one button while shooting \o/
was whining about it also, nothing changed tho :'/
Didnt even realise there is a command like that lol :D, i always press "F" to push enemy :p
Can't you somehow remove the ability to push other players ? I mean seriously this command is just needed to open doors etc. Its is annoying as hell when they use the push "bug" on adlernest to contruct the Command Post as allies. It is also kinda lame to push your own teammates to move faster in maps and in close combat it is annoying as hell. So Isn't there a server settings that can restrict the "power" of the push ?
It´s already restricted since you were able to push players upwards over some walls n stuff.
Disabling it would not be a good idea since it´s very useful sometimes at flagcaps, reviving and so on.
the game is shit without it.
thanks, gotta use that too!
Will actually support you on this one!
thinking about it... shoving rly is pointless in ET, its only needed for public servers jic youre getting blocked, and which game uses this pointless command anyway?
It´s not pointless, why disabling a thing because some people abuse it? Better find a way to stop those retarded scripters...
this is the same problem as new cl_maxpackets for every bind.

we had to lock it to "100" (altough we found another solution now proposed by eiM, we should be able to unlock them from 60/76-100 again)

as i said i can tell GV to kick anyone abusing the command like this:

seta pushing "+attack; +activate"
seta nopushing "-attack; -activate"
bind mouse1 "+vstr pushing nopushing"

but i doubt we can stop ppl using it like this:

bind a "+moveleft ; +activate"
bind d "+moveright ; +activate"
bind s "+back ; +activate"
bind w "+forward ; +activate"
As said above finding a way to disable double binds could work?!
can you propose something? :P

maybe chaplja can restrict the +activate command to not work with double commands? Thats the only solution i can think about, but doubt hell do it
no can do, but chaplja would be the right person to ask I guess. Something like locking a keybind if the first function is bound to it, but dunno if this is possible.
just switch to ETQW and enjoy the context bindings!
oh my goat it´s hannes <3
but i want my class script to echo/say my class to my team. And for arti. and spawn scripts, and scripts being executed on different classes, and... etc. Wouldnt work
Whining and pushing things down isn´t that hard. Sure there must be a little research with the people who can develop such things how it could be managed...
What i mean is, if you disabled double binds, those above things wouldnt work
but... it's fun in warmup...
and on delivery it can be useful to shove for teammate to be faster in the room @1st spawn... or you could win adlernest at last second due to it!
the game is shit without pushing, I mean, even more shit than what it is now.
it's not pointless at all, it helps a lot in some situations, I'll just give you an example of winning a match by 1 sec on adler thanks to shoving
every decent player can push when he needs to, no scripts needed for that.. pointless whine
wait are you arguing for keeping these scripts or restricting them? I'm confused
There arent any scripts needed to push at the same time your shooting,
yes but there are scripts that automatically push without the need to press the push button
its so stupid that either one is ok!
Sounds epic. Gonna use it
there are some external programs for pushing :)
so true, stupid mongols use on attack
b_shoveenemies 0
20the February

Quote84-200-248-124-27960 [02.20.2009 22:56:00] |24123| [From #1 7ccf(VALID:8) ^0mOOOOOOOO] mouse_b = "-attack; -activate"
84-200-248-124-27960 [02.20.2009 22:56:00] |24124| [From #1 7ccf(VALID:8) ^0mOOOOOOOO] mouse_a = "+attack; +activate"

Quote82-96-64-142-27990 [02.19.2009 21:36:21] |2085| [From #11 0483(VALID:868) ^za^wego^z evokz ^<WLADCA] fire_on = "+attack;+activate"

85-17-181-22-27910 [02.19.2009 20:27:30] |37695| [From #13 7ab2(VALID:1268) ^dsiLc] aimbotoff = "-attack; vstr sens; cg_crosshairx 0.9; cg_crosshairy 0"
85-17-181-22-27910 [02.19.2009 20:27:30] |37696| [From #13 7ab2(VALID:1268) ^dsiLc] aimboton = "+attack; vstr sens; cg_crosshairx 0.9; cg_crosshairy 1"

apparentaly there is some anti-recoil script too, doubt it works:

213-239-199-130-27000 [02.20.2009 12:45:10] |26777| [From #1 6c53(AUTHDOWN) ^:eddie] recoiloff = "bind mouse1 +attack"
213-239-199-130-27000 [02.20.2009 12:45:11] |26778| [From #1 6c53(AUTHDOWN) ^:eddie] recoilon1 = "+attack; wait 12; -attack; +lookdown; wait 4; -lookdown"
213-239-199-130-27000 [02.20.2009 12:45:11] |26779| [From #1 6c53(AUTHDOWN) ^:eddie] recoilon = "+attack; wait 12; -attack; +lookdown; wait 7; -lookdown"
can you remember the commands for getting this information via rcon?

Some players I still need to confirm my suspicions of
dont remember, ill pm h3ll
removeing push would suck.. as it isn´t that useless and also needs "skills" to use it infight.. or when ever u could use it .. but a script like that should be removed..

imo we need a programm which starts and closes all process which aren´t standart before starting ET.. and also disables the start of them aslong as the program runs.. if the program gets disabled, ET will be closed..
Cause you could also programm a script.. if send("mouse1") = 1 then send("f") endif
and i´m not sure if such a programm would be dedected by pb?
you're correct
well i jut thought about such a programm.. it wouldn´t be hard to code.. only some minutes as it is a simple process checker.. but the problem is to get all the process which HAVE TO be allowed and their details (thought about checking the running process by their md5 hashes or directory or smth like that). and also i´m not sure if this could be bypassed by inejctions
I coded one as I saw your post, it works...

doesnt work in et :) works on windows tho lol
what you mean it doesnt work with ET?

if the script closed all process & services except the ones your told the script to be save .. np?
Then the script runs ET but first finds otu if its the REAl et.exe .. and aslong as the script runs, other process / services / dll´s / what ever aren´t allow to be run.. or will be closed instantly.. and if the script gets closed/freez/what ever , ET will be closed.

As you said.. tis easy to code.. but would take some time to rly find out the secure process/services for different os. If you want we could do it together.. with which language do you work?
wer could also use this program to check the config files for disallowed scripts before starting ET.. like scanning the whole config and all the exec scripts etc and check if any bind is the same as a disallowed script/bind

e.g. bind mouse1 +attack; exec shove.cfg (or u rename the .cfg to gaethaetejh.cfg)

the programm will open the shove.cfg and check the command.. if it is a shove command it won´t allow to start ET.. woudd also help nubs not to fail on some random downloaded config with cheater binds :D
what did you code?

i just told beasty on irc how ridiculous this idea is
just simple mouse click outputs F on keyboard... only works in windows tho :P dont wanna try it in ET cuz i get kicked :P
how do they work?

and yes disable them if there are such
from what i read.. +attack ; +activate

so everytime you shoot, you also push.. which will push everyoen close to u


everytime u use +activate = high spread.. so if you have it on +attack and shoot from distance -> hf hitting nothing
nahnah, it only fucks your opponents aim, if being hit. np with your aim in any case
bind mouse1 "+attack"
bind mouse2 "+attack ; +activate"

hf =D
if you get close enough to your enemy so they can push you, you must play either realy stupid or vs way to low skill. :-p
Umm, the same applies for the enemy too
So both are stupid and way too low skill?
ye, knifing people is lowskilled aswell
Well, yes basicly so, and most often they are combined.
thats retarded... straight off the top of my head, button room on delivery - always a clusterfuck
Hm yeah thats one of the few places, you are probably right but it is quite rare imho that you get so close. :-p
kinda often I get pushed at in supply stairs/upstairs
ye idd it's pretty fucking annoying :P
i think all you have done here is highlight the fact spread goes up when you are shoved. :D
The best solution would be to forbid pushing enemies
true, sounds smth chaplja should do! Maybe it can be fixed by a cvar?
removing push what suck man, when im playing on NA configs there are moments where i would want to push someone. i get mad cause some ppl are slow when getting out of spawn ect... and when like someone is blocking the switch on delivery i just wish i could push them so i can press it.
agree to that, just block somehow script and not blocking/deliting whole pushment stuffs since thats really needed at some stuffs, like at wars when u pushing ur teammates to go faster with obj and at delivery when u push enemy to press the button.
Block scripts, leave normal push.
all this scripts are fucking lame, just ban players who use em, 180script, autopush script etc etc
that is you lol ¬_¬
well there is a cfg where u cant push, enemy's and teammates, dont remember which one.. ? esl cfg ? europe cfg? or smth.

but dont remove push :[
pushing is a part of ET, leave it :/
bind 1 "weaponbank 1;exec noshove.cfg"
bind 2 "weaponbank 2;exec shove.cfg"
bind 3 "weaponbank 3;exec shove.cfg"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4;exec noshove.cfg"
bind t "weaponbank 5;exec noshove.cfg"
bind y "weaponbank 6;exec noshove.cfg"


bind mouse1 "+vstr mousea mouseb"
set mousea "+attack;+activate"
set mouseb "-attack;-activate"


bind mouse1 "+attack"

and you need to turn off "+activate Leaning" in ETpro options
no need for waits or anything... :p

and yes it can be lame. but since its not forbidden and saves my ass someties by pushing people off the catwalk on delivery or something :PP
as soon as you exec shove.cfg you will get kicked (if we activate the gv kick thingy)
and if i rename it to "whocares.cfg" and "whodoesntgiveashituntilitsforbidden.cfg" ?

e: once their banned ill stop using them.
different question i wont get kicked then for manually pushing while shooting will i?

i dont think your other idea will work:
bind a "+moveleft ; +activate"
bind d "+moveright ; +activate"
bind s "+back ; +activate"
bind w "+forward ; +activate"

i think youd stop moving and push only once. youd have to trigger all wasd. cause the mouse1 bind also doesnt work without vstrings.
look@ 2nd edit.

e: lol already got pm's for the script / thanking me :>
havent tried it
well i didnt try it with wasd ... but it didnt work with bind mouse1 "+attack;+activate" ... :P


the funny thing is the only way to make this script not work without antipro specialities which i dont know yet is to either turn off pushing or restrict vstr commands / double commands.
restricting vstr: no more name changers, class switchers with all soldier weapons on 1 button, spawnscripts on 1 button (without much more effort)
restricting double commands would atleast kill the artillary script i dont know how many more there are but its probably a few since many people change FPS while changing weapon for example...
wont happen =))
It avoid you from strafign while shooting, doesnt work :<
not really ... i can do everything :) only thing it does is shove while shooting
Really ?
I had to edit a bit your script to make it work and when i did, i wasnt able to shoot/move left/right at the same time. you're using the exact version you pasted ?
edit: command line "+attack;+activate" is blocked :< ... wonder why they where so fast on this one but take ages on 180/TJ scripts -.-
Nah, it works now thanks to your et pro+activate leaning shit disabling :p
You just have to put "set instead of "seta" in your script and +vstr instead of vstr. It works fine for me :)
ahh ok :P sry i typed it off by heart didnt remember everything correct ass it seems :P
but its nice this way :) you dont shove while planting mines/reviving/giving medi packs etc :D just when you shoot :P
and if you want to use a tank/mg just equip medipacks and everythings fine :D
Oh ye indeed, didnt pay attention to mg stuff :D
oh if you do remove that script its like the same shit for tj scripts, arty ect.. pointless
gogogo! its really annoying and disgusting to play vs someone with this shit
I remember you using one and bragging about it.
tj, 180, autoshove, arty, sniper ..etc these should be banned
class/spawnselectors should be the only ones available
i only push slow team mates,else is shit
oh naise, going to use it, seems funny!
i would suggest that shooting with a bind like this
bind mouse1 "+vstr mousea mouseb"
set mousea "+attack;+activate"
set mouseb "-attack;-activate"
should be 50% slower than normal
disable toggle
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