thats it dawgs, one of the best times in the year, here in germany! lets say mainly here in MAINZ :D

today my dawg and me bought some alcohol for the next days worth 70 euro :D

and today is one of the best partys of the year: everyone will be disguised as anything u can imagine, all girls fuckin drunk and ready to have a nice time..u can imagine every girl wearing a sign saying FUCK ME!! :D seriously, its insane ^^

im going as a sexy sailor :XD

image: MPG_Ballplakat09

wut are you doing today? :P
Köln >>>>>>>>>>>> Mainz
the same dressing up silly and try get laid while drinking
scheiß 05er
indeed, the suck :DD
too bad no one in my city cares about that :D
image: 8743_Unbenannt

gl,you will need it,wnb pimp
btw: mainz sucks.
dont envy me pls :s
for what?
being one of those loekino island-tards?
ye,ofc or your 'trained' body ?
or the fact that ur 2 shy/2 ugly to show ur fucking face?
fastnacht sucks, die in a car fire
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